Alien Courage (Rise of the Empress)

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Book: Alien Courage (Rise of the Empress) by Keith Chessell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keith Chessell
the T334,” the Administrator said as he reached
down and switched off a communication device which was flashing bright lights
inside the room but added. “Contacting the Priests will put this matter beyond
any Imperial influence.”
    The Emperor looked at the Administrator and his features
hardened. He was not accustomed to being suggested courses of action by
subordinates. This matter was probably best handled by leaving it alone but
something occurred with the Emperor. His face brightened and he sat back in his
    “What is it you’re not telling me Drex ?”
    The Administrator answered quickly and fluently. “Sir,
you have all the information. I have lists of the dead, the scan reports, local
    “I have been Emperor for quite some time,” the Emperor
said cutting off the Administrator mid sentence. He stood up and walked across
the room and leaned against a table. “I am aware of a number of things when I
have audiences. Namely my position in the situation and secondly what the other
could possibly want. My position of power has taught me one thing if anything.
Everyone that manages to see me or influence me has a goal, aspiration,
treachery or even straight out greed in one form or another. In other words
they want something. Facts and figures are irrelevant; you went to a great deal
of trouble to be sitting here. Also the risk, the Captain of the Guard has
eliminated a great many people for treason, mostly he alone presumed. You are,
while you are here subject to his discretion. You are lucky to be alive. Let
alone the risk you run with the Trigeals. Now, what is it you really want?”
    The Administrator had not been prepared for this
question nor to be put in such a position of having to answer such a question.
He looked at his hands and rubbed them, not often are they moist. He looked
down to avert his flickering eyes from the Emperor.  “Sir, I believe there
is an opportunity here. Never has there been any mistake or oversight in the
handling or running of the Trigealian Regiment. The Articles of Intervention
are nothing more than a collection of observations so as to avoid being
intervened. I am loyal to the Confederacy but not to a life as a mechanical
contrivance for the benefit of beings who aren’t even humanoid. To learn
something of their weaknesses would be a step in the direction of freedom. What
I have just said to you Sir could easily result in my terminal intervention by
your Captain. That was always a risk. This I see this situation as a great
opportunity.” The Administrator said honestly and felt somewhat relieved but
realised that statement may have just cost him his life.
    The Emperor’s expression did not change and an
uncomfortable silence developed in the room. The Emperor walked over to the
desk with electronic equipment and pressed a button and spoke. “Captain of the Guard report to the Emperor’s Communication’s Room
    The Administrator had all feeling drain from his body,
he went numb. The Emperor was busy at the communication’s console and neither
looked at the Administrator nor spoke further.
    There was a brief noise outside and the door opened.
The Captain strode into the room. He was no longer in dress uniform and was
attired in military fatigues. He was soon to be engaging in a Trigealian
sanctioned controlled conflict with the House of Volen over disputed borders.
    “Yes Sir?” he said standing rigidly to attention, hand
resting on the butt of his blaster.
    “Oh Captain,” the Emperor said while still busy at the
console. “Would you see to it that the Academy Administrator is rapidly returned
to his Academy. Use one of your fastest fighters with
an escort. The Administrator has to rapidly get the Academy organised for an
upcoming formal parade. Please dispatch our number two marching band to the
parade ground outside of the Academy to commence immediate practice.”
    “At once

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