Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)

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Book: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) by Julia Crane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Crane
I should have sold Kaitlyn to the government.”
    Lucas felt his heart clench. “You don’t believe that. We’ve worked too hard and come too far for you to back out now. If we need to bring in more experienced people, that’s one thing. But to talk about scratching it all together? That doesn’t sound like you.” 
    Harrington dragged his hands over his face. “You’re right. Forget I said anything. I’m just a little rattled that’s all.” 
    “Nothing wrong with that,” Lucas replied. 
    “Get out of here,” Harrington waved him away, “I need to be alone.” 
    Lucas walked into the hallway lost in thought. The mention of selling Kaitlyn to the government had shaken him to the core. He’d thought they’d long passed that hurdle. Jesus, this mission had to be a success—too much was riding on the outcome. 
    Would Harrington really decide to hand her over if things got out of control? It was a real possibility. 
    No, Harrington was a stubborn man and would not give up that easily, even if practicality told him that he should. 
    Dammit . Lucas sure as hell hoped he knew Harrington as well as he thought he did. 

    Kaitlyn and Erik made their way down the hallway, the thick carpet muffling their footsteps. She’d been greatly surprised when Erik recommended pulling out of the mission. She knew firsthand he was not afraid, so his hesitation made zero sense to her. If there was even the slightest chance there were children on that boat, they had to get them off. Regardless of the fact that Harrington insisted the mission was all about Dasvoik. To Kaitlyn, the real mission was saving the children.
        Yes, she would take pleasure in ridding the world of Dasvoik, but like Erik always said, you cut off one head and another takes its place. But if they could rescue the innocent victims, she’d feel like she was doing what she was made to do. Like her life truly had a purpose.
    Kaitlyn tilted her head to observe her partner’s expression. “Are you really concerned about the mission?” 
    Erik shrugged. His face remained impassive. He was a very hard man to read, even with all of her internal knowledge of human facial expressions. “Not really, I just wish we had more time and more data. Not to mention Harrington’s way too damn cocky.” 
    “Is this so different from what you were used to?” Kaitlyn asked, ignoring the Harrington comment. She’d grown to like the man over the last several months. If it weren’t for his vision, she would have never had this second chance at life. And behind the surface, Harrington really did want to make a difference.
    “Oh, yeah, there was always lots of planning beforehand. This feels like we’re shooting from the hip, and I don’t like it.” 
    She stared at him for several seconds before asking, “Is that such a bad thing? I mean we can adapt as we go. That’s how we’ve been trained.”
    “Put it this way, if it were anyone other than you, I would tell Harrington to take the job and shove it up his ass.”
    The statement startled Kaitlyn. “Even Ace?”
    Erik laughed, “Especially Ace. That guy’s a hothead.”
    Kaitlyn scanned the slang meaning. So Ace had a temper, and was always looking for trouble? That didn’t sound like an ideal partner at all.
    “I like your laugh.” 
    Erik looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “My laugh?”
    She nodded. “I’ve never heard it before this trip. You are more relaxed around Ace than me.” 
    He scratched the back of his head. “I’m sure that’s true. The dynamics of team guys are different, and I’ve known Ace for a very long time.” 
    “That’s exactly what Lucas said. Do you regret leaving your team to come work for IFICS?” 
    “Not yet,” he smiled ruefully. “Ask me again after we complete the mission.” 
    Kaitlyn felt a rush of pleasure at the fact that Erik would rather be with her than Ace. 
    They entered the kitchen and were met with a pleasant smell of fresh

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