Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer)

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Book: Fool's Gold (The Wandering Engineer) by Chris Hechtl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Hechtl
into Berneky and his goons,” Junior snarled with a groan. The Admiral
nodded confirmation.
His mother paled. “I told you to stay away from him!” She glared at her son.
my fault he was at our door,” the young man waved. The Admiral nodded once
had just accepted the last load and spotted Junior excuse me; Sergio, coming
from one direction, and the goon squad coming from the other. No way could I
head it off had I known,” he explained.
happened?” the pig tailed girl asked.
brother grimaced. “I got my ass kicked, what does it look like?” he muttered
looking away. His mother frowned.
Sergio,” his aunt warned. He flushed darker.
you did nothing?” the boy asked the Admiral accusingly.
he took them apart,” Junior said in the Admiral's defense, trying to sit up.
“He did what?” his mother asked as the kids shot wondering looks at the
Admiral. The aunt seemed wary. Her face contorted in amusement and fear. He
tried not to take it personally.
was nothing.” He shrugged it off. “No permanent damage. Couple broken bones, no
deaths.” He waved. “I have to get back to work now.” He hastily exited. He
hated getting involved when people were all weepy or loading him down with
not hurt?” the aunt asked. He tried to tune out the answer. He entered the bay
and dived into the work.
later he looked up to see Anita in the lock. “Thanks for saving my son. And my
husband.” She looked aside. Her face was red. Her eyes were a little puffy.
nodded. “My pleasure ma'am. They just needed a boost. Both will recover in
time.” He finished tightening a bolt and let Proteus take over his right arm to
make the final connections.
damn latin male pride will be the death of them both,” she muttered.
is it going?” Junior asked from behind his mother. She turned with a ferocious
frown but he waved it off. “I'm okay Mama, sore, but okay. Honest.” He looked
into the room and whistled. “You've rebuilt the engine? And power plant?” His
practiced eyes took in the sight of the gleaming array of parts. “She's like
new,” he whispered reverently. The Admiral chuckled.
quite, I still need to rebuild the cab and fuel injectors. You’re not going to
run any races with her, you hear me?” He looked at the boy.
mother looked at him as well. Junior sighed. “I want your word you will never
tap that afterburner short of an emergency or you will never go out that lock
again,” she said with doom in her voice. He flushed.
impeller is up, her antigrav is a bit shaky, and I am leaving it off until I
get the electronics bay finished,” the Admiral said into the awkward silence.
ma'am,” he heard Junior reply meekly. He nodded.
give you a hand...” Junior offered. His mother shook her head.
what the two of you are going to do is go get cleaned up and eat. Dinner is
on.” She turned her son and pushed him back down the corridor. The Admiral hid
a laugh. She turned on him, hands on her hips.
sighed knowing the look. “I bet Juanita sicked you on me.” He shook his head,
wiping grease off his hands. She dimpled.
like that. Since you’re making a habit of saving my family, the least I can do
is make sure you’re fed properly.” She pointed down the corridor. “Now march
Admiral!” He laughed as he obeyed.
cleaning up he hastily sat. The kids were already eating. He smiled to the aunt
as he sat down. They heard the door and Junior tensed. “Am I fashionably late?”
O'Reilly's voice echoed. Junior relaxed.
get cleaned up,” Anita ordered with an imperious hand. He took a look at
Sergio, shook his head and went into the refresher.
what happened? You trip in the dark Sergio?” he called with the door open.
Junior sighed rolling his eyes. His aunt smiled at him and patted his

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