The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop
standing between his legs. "That was Kevin, an old
boyfriend. The one just before I met you. He heard about the fire
and was concerned so he came looking for me, but he was also drunk
and overstepped his boundaries." She sighed and ran her index
finger along his jaw. "You're not the only one with fucked up past
relationships Evan. I know what it's like to be hurt and
    They both
remained silent for several minutes. Alyssa held her breath as she
watched Evan processing the information. Please let him believe
me , she silently prayed. He was already such an important part
of her life that the thought of losing him pained her.
    Slipping a
hand behind his neck, she pulled his forehead down to her, and
their breaths intermingling. "I remember you mentioning him. I'm
sorry Alyssa. I know I shouldn't assume the worst. I just..."
    She ghosted
her lips across his. "For the first time in my life I feel like I'm
with the man I was meant to be with. Don't you know that?" Alyssa
admitted, her voice was barely more than a whisper.
    "I know that
I've known you for only a month and what I feel for you is stronger
than anything I've ever felt for anyone and it scares me."
    Alyssa pulled
back from him and looked deep into his green eyes and she could see
the affection and the fear along with a number of other emotions
and she felt her heart suddenly quicken. He was in love with her,
it was as plain as day.
    She caught her
lower lip between her teeth and nibbled nervously. Should she tell
him how she felt? Just because he had those feelings towards her
didn't mean he was ready to hear them uttered from her lips.
    Before she
could make up her mind either way, Evan slipped his free hand
around her waist and pulled her flush against him. She gasped, and
his lips came crashing down onto hers. His tongue forced entry into
her mouth as stood and hoisted her up onto his hips. In one swift,
powerful movement he twirled her around and lay her down onto the
desk, his body covering hers.
    Pulling her
shirt out from her pants, he slipped a hand under and cupped her
breast over the black lace bra. "Maybe I should make sure you
forget that little fucker," Evan growled pulling his lips from hers
and beginning a string of kisses down the length of her neck.
    She moaned
softly. ''Here? Now?" Not that she objected to doing it on the
desk, but the fact that she only had a fifteen minute break crossed
her mind momentarily. It was quickly followed by the fact she was
working with Samantha and all thoughts of going over her allotted
break time were forgotten. Screw Samantha.
    To her dismay
Evan stopped kissing the side of her neck and pulled his hand from
under her shirt. Placing a hand on either side of her head,
securing her body against the desk under him he caught her eyes
with his hunger filled ones. "I don't want another man to even be a
thought in the back of the mind of the woman I love."
Alyssa gulped down the lump forming in her throat, hardly able to
believe her own ears. The woman he loved ... Damn, she loved
the sound of that coming from his lips. She touched the side of his
face that was just showing the signs of a light morning shadow.
"You love?"
    "I love," Evan
confirmed. "I realize it's quick. But it's how I feel about
    A soft smile
touched her lips, as she looked up at him in disbelief.
    "I think this
is the part where you tell me you love me back," he teased before
kissing her lightly on the lips.
    "I love you
Evan." Slipping her arms around his neck, she pulled his lips down
to hers, her body on fire with desire for him, needing to feel him
filling her. "Do you think the other guys would notice if I show
you how much here and now?"
    "Think I care
if they do?" he murmured as he once more deepened the kiss.
    A surge of
desire rushed through her and the wetness between her legs
increased. She needed him - badly. As her hands frantically undid
his pants he worked equally as quick on hers, both of them anxious
to feel their

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