The Last Vampyre Prophecy

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Book: The Last Vampyre Prophecy by April Ezell Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Ezell Wilson
tighter as she thinks about the cold apartment.
    “Don’t go back there, Adonia. Stay here. I have plenty of room. I believe there are about six additional bedrooms for you to choose from.” I grin.
    “I can’t stay here, Khai. How would that look to everyone?”
    “I don’t give a fuck what people think, Adonia. I would prefer if you stayed with me and I am afraid I must insist.”
    She tries not to smile but fails miserably. “I don’t have any of my things here.” She says putting her fists on her hips.
    “That’s simple. We’ll go buy something.”
    She shakes her head. “No, I’m not letting you waste money on me.”
    I grab her hand. “I’m afraid it isn’t up for discussion at the moment. Come with me.”
    I pull her through the house feeling excited about being able to buy her things. Peter opens the door and we slide into the back.
    “Head over to Neiman’s.” I order.
    She dro ps her jaw. “No! You are not spending that kind of money, Khai.”
    I actually roll my eyes at her, which is an extremely uncharacteristic trait for me. “Will you please let it go, Adonia? Trust me when I say money is no issue.”
    She looks at me indignantly. “Well, maybe for you it isn’t but I don’t like the way it makes me feel, ok?”
    I read her thoughts and realize she truly i s offended. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. Just… let me buy you some things. It will make me happier than you know to gift you things I would like for you to have.”
    She thaws slightly at my words but turns her head to gaze out the window. I give her the space she needs but not having her talk to me is maddening. My self- control is spent.
    I pull her from the back when we reach the store. We are attacked as soon as we hit the floor. I’ve never been in the ladies department in any store. Truthfully I haven’t really ever paid attention to women’s fashion. How they look to me is never an allure it’s the draw of the blood and nothing more.
    But with Adonia , it’s different. I want to see her in the finest clothes, things that are as beautiful as her.
    We pick a personal stylist—Mena—to help us choose pieces. Adonia finally gives up and sits; sulking in the corner while Mena continues to pile things on the rack.
    Finally we have collected enough clothes to replace her wardrobe and then some. I request shoes to match each ensemble and I secretly request several items of jewelry to be wrapped and brought directly to me out of her sight.
    I br ing Adonia some champagne as they tally the bill and wrap the clothes. She begrudgingly accepts the bubbly and broods in the corner. My plan is to feed her a few drinks in hopes that she will thaw at the notion of me spending money on her.
    Mena saunters over and announces the bill and I could literally pinch her head off.
    “ You are all set, Mr. Garai. I’ve charged your AMEX the total-- $22,445.”
    Adonia gasps and jumps to her feet. “What the fuck, Khai! No fucking way!” She screeches.
    I sigh and shoot a look of mortal death to Mena because frankly, I want to take her into the dressing room and painfully drain her body.
    She has the decency to look contrite and apologize then stalks back toward the counter.
    Adonia is nearly out the door before I catch her arm. “Please calm down.”
    She whips her head around and I am absolutely entertained by the sparks of anger shining in those emerald depths. “Don’t you tell me to calm down, Garai!” She spits and I nearly laugh with glee over her fire.
    “I’ll not be bought and I am not some cheap whore you’re thinking about fucking.” She is seething and I feel my own anger steam to my head at her words.
    I level my glare to hers. “Don’t you ever reference yourself as a whore again and especially assume that I think of you as someone I am fucking. Understood?”
    She flinches at my words and the intensity of my glare but I do nothing to back down. She needs to understand that some things will not be

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