Voice Of The Demon (Book 2)

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Book: Voice Of The Demon (Book 2) by Kate Jacoby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Jacoby
    ‘What he means,’ Daniel murmured, ‘is that we will stand by you. Regardless.’
    Of what?
    Oh, yes. They must have heard the rumours. But – were they serious? Did they believe that Finnlay was a sorcerer – andwould they really stand by Robert if they found out the truth?
    Yes. That was exactly what they were here for. To tell him they didn’t care. Genuinely touched, Robert said honestly, ‘I thank you for your words of kindness and your offer of help. I shall pass on your good wishes to my mother. As for the rest?’ Robert shrugged. With any luck, they might see nothing more than his refusal to take the rumoured allegations seriously.
    It didn’t work.
    ‘You’re in trouble, Robert.’ Harold grunted, his gaze penetrating. ‘We’re here to help. Remember that.’
    There was a movement behind and Robert turned to find Deverin waiting, Alard Bain hovering behind, obviously agitated. ‘Forgive me, Your Grace, but representatives of the Guilde are here to see you.’
    ‘Thank you.’ His time was up. He returned his gaze to the others. They were watching him, waiting for him to tell them what to do. There was only one way out of this – but the risks were so high he didn’t dare think about them.
    ‘Daniel, would you do something for me?’
    ‘Of course!’ Daniel’s eyes lit up.
    ‘Would you keep my friends company for a few moments. Deverin will show the Guilde in here. Will you tell them I’ll see them soon?’
    ‘Delighted!’ Daniel smiled and so, oddly, did the others.
    ‘I must go and speak to my mother,’ Robert added faintly. Where did they get this enthusiasm from? Why were they all so . . . pleased?
    ‘Don’t you worry about those Guildesmen, Robert,’ Harold beamed. ‘We’ll look after them until you get back.’
    ‘Thank you.’ Robert nodded, still bemused – but he didn’t have time to worry about it now. He had to get to the chapel before the Guilde arrived. Gesturing for Deverin and Alard to join him, he strode out of the parlour and down the corridor to the guard room. From there they took the narrow spiral staircase to the chapel.
    The doors were open and muted daylight softened the incense-filled air. The long wooden box was laid out onbiers, draped with the Douglas banner and surrounded by tall candles. An armed guard stood at each end of the bier, solemn, their eyes downcast. Micah waited by the door.
    Robert glanced once at Micah, then turned to the two men accompanying him. ‘Alard, I want you to keep watch on the rest of the Guilde soldiers. Let me know if they decide to look around at all.’
    ‘Should I stop them if they do?’
    ‘No,’ Robert replied with a smile. ‘Just tell me what they see.’
    ‘Aye, my lord.’
    He disappeared down the passage as Robert turned to Deverin. ‘Have these two men stand guard at each end of this corridor. Then I want you to go back to the hall. Wait ten minutes, then bring the interrogator up here. Make sure he brings one other with him – no more.’
    Deverin paused a moment, then nodded. ‘As you wish, my lord.’
    Once the guards had left, Robert closed the doors and turned to Micah. ‘We haven’t got much time so we’ll have to be quick. Here, help me take this off.’
    They removed the banner and placed it to one side. Then Robert took out his knife and gently levered the lid from the box. Inside was a layer of rocks and some old sacks. As they lifted the lid clear, Robert glanced up at Micah.
    ‘I need your help and I can’t ask anyone else to do this.’
    Micah said, ‘I’ll get into the box, my lord – but I don’t look anything like your brother.’
    Robert grinned. ‘No. But Jenn did something when Finn was in that prison. I’m not exactly sure how she did it – and I know for certain I can’t reproduce it. The only way to get rid of the rumours of sorcery completely is to prove to the Guildesmen that Finnlay did die and that his body is here – right where it should be. With any luck,

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