The Sword And The Olive

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Authors: Martin van Creveld
Military Organization; pre-1948 right-wing terrorist organization
    fashla, fashlot (pl.) slang for “blunder”
    FLIR forward-looking infrared; a night-vision system for aircraft and helicopters
    FOSH (Plugot Sadeh) Field Companies; organized by Hagana in 1937-1938
    GADNA (Gdudei Noar) Youth Battalions; a paramilitary organization for youths run by the IDF
    gafir, gafirim (pl.) Jewish police officer working for the British authorities
    Galil Israeli-made assault rifle
    garin, garinim (pl.) “cores” of NACHAL youths earmarked for new settlements
    gesher ha-glilim roller bridge used in the 1973 October War to cross the Suez Canal
    GHQ general headquarters
    Gush Emunim Bloc of the Faith; a group of extreme right-wing nationalist Jews in the Occupied Territories
    hachshara, hachsharot (pl.) PALMACH training group
    HAGA (Hagana Ezrachit) Civil Defense Organization
    Hagana Defense; the Jewish self-defense force in Palestine before 1948
    hagana merchavit territorial defense
    Ha-shomer The Guard; the second Jewish self-defense organization in Palestine after Bar Giora
    Histadrut Labor Federation
    IAF Israel Air Force
    IAI Israel Aircraft Industries
    IDF Israeli Defense Force
    KABA (Kvutsat-echut) Quality Group; a system of classifying recruits by quality
    KABAN, KABANIM (pl.) (ktsin beriut nefesh) mental health officer
    Kfir Lion Cub; the Israeli-built light fighter-bomber
    kibbuts, kibbutsim (pl.) communal settlement where all property is held in common
    kippot sruggot literally, “knitted yarmulkes”; the nickname for right-wing nationalist orthodox Jews
    Knesset the Israeli parliament
    kofer ha-yishuv the Yishuv ’s ransom; the tax imposed by the Jewish community in Palestine in 1929
    Lavi Young Lion; the Israeli-built fighter-bomber that never flew
    LECHI (Lochame Cherut Yisrael) Israel’s Freedom Fighters; a pre-1948 right-wing terrorist organization
    LIC low intensity conflict
    Likud Unity; the right-wing political party that has dominated Israel during most of the years since 1977
    Maarachot Campaigns ; the IDF’s periodical (monthly)
    maarav, maaravim (pl.) ambush
    MABAT (Mifalim Bitchoniyim) Defense Plants; an arms-manufacturing subsidiary of IAI
    MADAS, MADASit (fem.) Madrich Sport; a physical training instructor
    maoz, meozim (pl.) bunker
    MAFCHASH (Mifkedet Kochot Ha-sadeh) ground forces headquarters
    MAFDAL (Miflaga Datit Leumit) National Religious Party
    MAPAI (Mifleget Poale Erets Yisrael) Workers’ Party of the Land of Israel; ancestor of the modern Labor Party
    mateh staff
    MATKAL (Mateh Klali) General Staff
    mechdal oversight
    Merkava Chariot; an Israeli-built tank
    milchemet brera “war of choice”; the biblical term sometimes used in modern Israel to describe a war in which it took the initiative
    mirdaf, mirdafim (pl.) pursuit
    Mishmar Ha-gvul Frontier Guard
    Mispenot Yisrael Israeli Shipyards
    mistanen, mistanenim (pl.) infiltrators
    Moav (Moab) long-range UAV reportedly being considered by the IDF for combating surface-to-surface missiles
    MLRS multiple rocket launching system
    MOS military occupation specialty
    moshav different types of communal settlements in which the land, but not agricultural implements, are owned in common
    Mossad Institution; Israel’s foreign secret service
    NACHAL (Noar Chalutsi Lochem) Fighting-Pioneer Youth, the army’s corps of pioneers in uniform
    NAGMASH, NAGMASHim (pl.) ( nose geyasot meshuryan ) armored personnel carrier
    NAGMASHA, NAGMASHot (pl.) ( noset geyasot meshuryenet ) heavy armored personnel carrier on tank chassis
    NCO noncommissioned officer
    NILI (Netsach Yisrael Lo Yeshaker) Israel Will Live Forever; Jewish espionage ring in Palestine during World War I
    noter, notrim (pl.) Jewish police officer working for the British

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