Deep Waters

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Book: Deep Waters by Kate Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Charles
with Jason, and Jason had a cat: a large, fluffy and very spoiled cat who would brook no competition from any other creature, especially not a dog.
    With Peter, of course, there was always the possibility of a change of circumstances. Peter’s boyfriends were usually in the picture for a very short while, in spite of his persistent optimism, each time, that this would be the one. He’d been with Jason for over three months now, which was surely a record for Peter. He was probably due for another painful bust-up. Callie hoped not; Peter seemed very happy with Jason, and a bust-up wouldn’t happen quickly enough to do her any good.
    Tomorrow. At the latest. Bella had to go.
    Callie continued down her mental list. Marco. Another impossibility, with his long hours and his flatmate.
    But what, she suddenly thought with a spurt of excitement, about someone in Marco’s family? His sister, for instance? His niece? Chiara was thirteen tomorrow—surely of an age to look after a dog for a few weeks.
    She reached for her mobile and rang Marco’s number, glad for an excuse to hear his voice.
    Unfortunately it wasn’t a good time; he was still working, and sounded distracted. ‘Can I ring you this evening, Cara mia ?’
    ‘It’s important,’ Callie said, and explained her dilemma as quickly and non-emotionally as she could. ‘I know you can’t take her. But I was wondering about Serena,’ she concluded. ‘Just for a few weeks?’
    Marco’s reply was immediate. ‘Serena’s allergic to dogs and cats.’
    ‘Oh,’ she said forlornly. That was her last hope gone, then.
    ‘What about Frances?’ suggested Marco. ‘She doesn’t have a cat, does she? I know she’s busy, but—’
    ‘Frances! Why didn’t I think of that?’
    Frances. Her friend, her mentor. Not far away in Notting Hill. Callie could visit Bella there and even give her walks.
    ‘Oh, please,’ she breathed as she rang Frances’ number. Please let her be in. Please let her say yes.
    She was in, and she answered after three rings, sounding a bit breathless.
    Callie explained her dilemma. ‘I’d be so grateful if you could have her,’ she finished. ‘Though of course I’ll understand if you can’t. If Graham is allergic, or you don’t feel you could take her on for some reason.’
    On the other end of the phone Frances laughed, and her voice sounded bemused. ‘Sure, Callie. Why not?’ she said. ‘The more, the merrier.’

Chapter Five
    Lilith Noone was up early on Saturday morning, and in spite of the spring drizzle she walked to the newsagent for the papers. She could have checked them online, but for someone who had grown up in the journalism business—her father and his father before him had owned a provincial newspaper—it just wasn’t the same. She loved the feel of crisp newsprint; the smell of newspaper ink was like a drug to her. So this was part of the ritual, especially on days when she knew that one of her own stories would be in print.
    Not just in print on this occasion: front page news. Exclusive. She picked up a copy of the Globe from the top of a tall stack and feasted her eyes on the by-line. Lilith tended to be assigned to feature stuff rather than breaking news, so an appearance on the tabloid’s front page was rare indeed.
    Jodee and Chazz had not emerged from their house all day on Friday, denying gathered photographers the opportunity for photos of them in distress; like the other papers the Globe had had to fall back on a file photo of the couple in happier times, emerging from the maternity hospital with baby Muffin swathed in a pink fleece blanket. The headline read simply ‘Jodee and Chazz: Baby Tragedy’, and the subhead said ‘Our reporter Lilith Noone speaks exclusively to the bereaved parents’.
    Lilith breathed deeply, her chest literally swelling with pride. For a moment she savoured the sensation, then moved on tothe other papers, collecting quite a stack of them in her arms. Almost all of them featured

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