The Vildecaz Talents: The complete set of Vildecaz Stories including Nimuar's Loss, The Deceptive Oracle and Agnith's Promise

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Book: The Vildecaz Talents: The complete set of Vildecaz Stories including Nimuar's Loss, The Deceptive Oracle and Agnith's Promise by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
shook her head. “Why is she doing this? And why Hoftstan, of all men? He has done nothing to encourage her – quite the contrary, from what I could see. She has been told he has a wife.” She didn’t wait for an answer. “I’m glad I sent Rimdoch to help him. Where are Kazhtal and Jenebij? Can’t they remain with their father?”
    “They’re putting the Imperial Soldiers’ House in order; Hoftstan sent them to attend to it.” Ver paused. “I must get back to the kitchen. There is so much more to do, Duzna.”
    “Yes; there is,” Erianthee agreed, moving aside so Ver could pass with her arms laden with smoked geese. She closed the pantry door, and then continued on into the heart of the keep, hoping to find her father before his duties of host rendered private conversation with him impossible.
    * * *
    Kloveon of Fauthsku was half-way down the Grand Staircase when he caught sight of Erianthee hurrying across the entry-way. “Duzna,” he called, a slight catch in his voice betraying his interest in her. He was a very handsome man – tall, rangy, with sugar-brown eyes, bright, burnished-gold hair, and a disastrously attractive quality of amusement in his demeanor – made more so by his beautiful clothing: a long dolaj in the southern style, of thick-woven opalescent-silver Mozh-cloth; the sleeves were embroidered in red. His brikes were of Uduganish tapestry, and his boots were made of red, tooled elk-leather; all bespoke his wealth and position, and the whole, including his wealth, became him extremely well.
    Much as she wanted to pretend she hadn’t heard him, Erianthee stopped still. “Welcome, Mirkal Kloveon.” She respected him with more than usual care, watching him come down the last eleven steps. “It is an honor to have you at Vildecaz Castle.” This was not entirely true, but good manners required she say so. She decided something more was called for. “It is a while, Mirkal, since we have had the pleasure of seeing you here.”
    “You needn’t bother with my title,” he said as he came up to her, making a fine respect to her.
    “You used mine,” she pointed out, matching respect for respect. “I could do no less.”
    His eyes crinkled as he smiled, the most engaging thing about his features. “Then let us consider the proprieties done.” He stood before her, staring down into her face. “I have missed you, Erianthee. More than you can know.”
    She tried to think of a response to that, but came up with nothing more than, “That’s very flattering.”
    “Not flattering at all; I have no reason to flatter you,” he said. “It is nothing more than the truth.” He waited for her to speak, then said, “I bring your official invitation to Court, for the Zunah.”
    “I will be honored to attend; I am grateful to Emperor Riast for his kindness to me,” said Erianthee automatically; the Autumn Assembly had asked her to entertain them for the last four years; this invitation was not unexpected, but having Kloveon be the Courier was, and it disquieted her to have him as a guest in the Castle, especially since Yulko Bihn was also here.
    “I am to give you escort into the Porzalk Empire, and as far as Udugan Province, where your Grand Escort will meet us and take you the rest of the way to the capital. It will be a privilege to see you safely to the rendezvous.” His delivery of this simple information turned his words into something more, almost a caress.
    “Oh,” she said, trying to recall what the proper response was, and coming up with nothing suitable.
    “The Emperor asks me to greet you in his name and assure you of his happy anticipation of your Shadowshows.”
    “Thank you,” said Erianthee, offering another respect.
    “We must depart within the next week if you are to arrive at the opening of the Zunah.” He might as well have run his hands over her body, given how he spoke to her.
    “You are to escort me all the way? Will you continue with the Grand Escort?”

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