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Book: Unhurt by K.S. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Thomas
made a face.
    “Yeah. Pretty sure you have a stack of empty dog baths in your backyard that need to be filled.”
    Then, she smiled.
    Joss was fucking beautiful. And I was fucking screwed.

Chapter Seven
    W e’d stopped and picked up a whole truckload of soil on the way back to my place, which had bumped Hattie up into the passenger seat. She didn’t seem to mind, although much like before, her face seemed to be permanently directed toward the sky, the wind blowing through her thick coat. Driving ahead of Derek in my Bronco, I caught myself staring at Hattie in my rearview mirror several times, smiling at the sight. Simple pleasures were not to be taken for granted.
    Next, we’d taken another detour to go see my favorite nursery where we picked up a little bit of everything I thought a dream garden should grow. It was bliss. I mean, I would have been stoked just to be doing it on my own, but having Derek there doing it with me - it was a new kind of happiness. Which put a damper on things temporarily, until I managed to squash all my neurotic fears and simply be.
    Living in the moment. Cara had been good at that. So much better than me. She’d spent her whole life trying to teach me how to do it, but it had taken her dying for me to fully grasp the concept.
    Fuck. Another damper. Moving on.
    It was almost lunchtime when we finally rolled up at my place. I could tell because I could smell Aunt Deb’s chicken fajitas all the way out in the driveway.
    I watched as Derek climbed out of his truck and held the door open for Hattie to follow. His eyes were closed as he inhaled.
    “So, what are your feelings on living together before marriage? Because I have a feeling I wouldn’t mind eating Deb’s cooking on a daily basis starting yesterday.”
    I laughed and tugged his shirt as I passed him by on my way to the door. “You can bring your shit over tonight for all I care, but I got bad news for ya, buddy. I’m in charge of some of the meals around here as well, and mine aren’t nearly as time consuming. Or hot.”
    Apparently even Hattie was in the mood for Mexican, since she busted through the door the second I cracked it open.
    “Well, clearly my dog already feels at home here.” His arm reached up behind me to hold the door the way that guys did sometimes, while I went in. A simple, meaningless gesture, and yet I couldn’t not smile from ear to ear as I walked toward the kitchen.
    “Hey, Doodle, you’re just in time.” Aunt Deb looked up from her sizzling skillet. “Oh, Derek, I didn’t know you were coming. You’ll be joining us, of course?”
    It was a question...only it wasn’t.
    “If you’re sure there’s enough.”
    “Don’t be silly. There’s always enough.” Deb moved on to finish dicing up tomatoes for her homemade pico de gallo when Wyatt came zooming out of the hall and leaping up into Derek’s arms.
    “Hey, little dude. What’s happening?”
    “Are you going to be my daddy?”
    “Wyatt, baby, what are you talking about?” I practically ripped my son from Derek’s arms. “You know Derek is just our friend.”
    “But I hearded you say you and Derek are going to get married.”
    “WHAT?” Aunt Deb about dropped the bowl of salsa. I did my best to ignore her obvious outburst and stayed focused on Wyatt.
    “When did you hear me say that?”
    “This morning. When you brusheded your hair...you saided, I’m going to marry hot contractor Derek. It’s crazy, but I’m going to do it .” He even mimicked my expression. I recognized it because I’d been standing in front of the mirror talking to myself when I’d said it. Although, I hadn’t been aware of my audience at the time.
    “Oh.” I slowly lowered Wyatt back down to stand on his own two feet. My eyes were squeezed shut. There’d be no avoiding Deb and Derek staring at me, watching my face turn a thousand different shades of red, but at least I wouldn’t have to see them while they were doing so.

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