well. I felt very comforted.
Softly humming, I made up songs as I stepped into my pajama bottoms and then crawled into the bed. George hopped up with a thwump and a prrrrbt . I reached over and pet him, and then fell into a deep sleep.
Settling In
Cracking open my eyes , I felt something heavy on my head. That something shifted, and I felt the pad of a kitty paw on my cheek. That was how George woke me up when I’d slept beyond his breakfast time.
Throwing back the comforter, I stepped out onto the cold hardwood floor. I found one sock on the floor from when I’d stripped them off in the middle of the night. After fishing around under the blankets for the other one, I put my socks on while George rubbed up against my back.
After filling George’s food bowl, I gathered up some clothes for the day and headed towards the hall bathroom for a bath. Peter was standing in the hall, right outside my door.
“How long have you been there?” I asked.
“Awhile.” he said with a smile. He wrapped one arm around me and swept my hair back from my face with his free hand. Then he leaned in and kissed me. After that he pulled back, looked me in the eyes, and smiled. Smiling back, I leaned in and put my forehead against his. I had one hand around him, and the other on his chest. We just stood there, embracing, as minutes passed by.
After sensing a presence behind me, I grew uncomfortable. Peter must have felt it too because he pulled away and took a step back from me. I turned around to see my dad, standing there with his expressionless face. There was something very intense about that face he made.
“I, uh.” I said. “I was just on my way to the bath.”
Darting across the hall and into the bathroom, I closed the door behind me. My dad’s silent disapproval seemed worse than if he’d just complained out loud. Sighing, I turned the knobs on the tub and pushed in the stopper.
Climbing into the tub, I thought about how to go about the day. I needed to bring up with my dad the fact that I needed to show up to work on Monday - which was the next day. I also wondered when I would be able to go back to my apartment.
Sitting in the tub until my fingers and toes were like prunes, I decided I had no idea how to talk to my dad. I tried to imagine him and my mom together. He seemed so reserved and quiet. She was so extroverted, and outspoken.
After I brushed my teeth and combed out my hair, I then stepped into a fresh pair of grey tights and a cotton black dress. Looking into the mirror, I smiled at myself. It was still such a novelty to see myself so clearly.
I walked back into the hall. Peter was gone, probably whisked away by my dad. Stepping down the stairs, I paused at the bottom step, listening.
My dad appeared from around the corner. “I’m going to head down to the Jewelry store for a few minutes.” he said. “Peter is already there for the day.” He looked me intently in the eyes. “Don’t leave the house.” He then turned on his heels, his shoes already on, grabbed his coat and closed the door behind him. I didn’t have a chance to get a word in.
Sighing, I stared at the closed door. The door seemed symbolic to me. I felt like a prisoner. I knew it wasn’t like that. I knew my dad was protecting me, but I couldn’t escape the feeling.
Pulling my shoes from out from under the bench, stepped into them. I wrapped my coat around me. After opening the door, I let it slowly swing open while I looked out.
It was cold outside, but the sky was blue. There was a bit of frost on the edges of the plants and the tree branches. I stepped out onto the porch, carefully, like I might have burst into flames at any moment. His words “don’t leave the house” echoed in my mind.
Stepping off the porch and down the steps, I meandered onto the pathway toward the street while I took in my surroundings. I looked around at