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Book: AintNoAngel by J L Taft Read Free Book Online
Authors: J L Taft
there like that before she felt a hard heat under her bottom and through her
    Lifting her head to look at him, she said, “There seems to
be an uprising going on here.”
    His mouth lifted in a smirk. “Seems that way.”
    She knew it was evil but she couldn’t help shimmying just a
little in his lap. His eyes closed briefly and a low, soft groan escaped his
lips. The sound caught her off guard and it gave her belly a slow roll.
    She took a few seconds to gaze at him up close in the
sunshine. Long, dark lashes framed his gray eyes that had flecks of green in
them. His jaw and cheeks were covered in dark stubble. Her fingers lifted and
she traced them along his chin and down his neck then up to run over his smooth
    His gaze roamed over her face and down over her breasts and
her nipples hardened in response, pushing very obviously against her tank top.
His eyes shot back to hers. “Seems you have a little of your own uprising going
    Chuckling with him, she laid her head back on his chest. “What
do you suggest we do about that, Travis?”
    He remained quiet until she looked back at him. His stare
was pained. “You know we can’t do anything about it, Jessie girl.”
    Suddenly it came over her what she was doing, trying to
seduce a man who didn’t want to be seduced. She had asked him to protect her
and she knew he would do it and she shouldn’t be asking for more. Leaping from
his lap, she dashed into the house and up the stairs to her room, slamming the
door behind her.
    * * * * *
    Travis sat for a minute, breathing heavy and trying to
regain control of his raging hard-on. She was so tempting he didn’t know how he
was going to hold out against her. He wanted her, bad, and she wanted him too
but he couldn’t let his head get all muddled with a female right now.
    He had figured that being with her a couple times would ease
the sharp edge of need but really it had only made it worse.
    He needed to stick to the plan.
    Catch Cyrus and somehow prove he had murdered Candy Marsh
and keep him from ever getting near Jessie again. Then he could move on and
leave all this behind him.
    Running his hands over his head, he took several deep
breaths and wondered what she had been so upset about. He would never forget
the lost look on her face.
    Glancing down, he saw the sheet of paper that she had been
clutching lying on the porch floor. He read it.
    From Cyrus, obviously, but no signature and it gave no clue
where he was. His eyebrows shot up and he whistled through his teeth at the
amount he was asking for. Ten grand. It was a lot, but nowhere near worth a
human life, let alone Jessie’s.
    Cyrus was a bastard and Travis was either going to send him
to jail or to the morgue. Then Jessie would be free too.
    Free to have a life and to meet someone, get married and
have some kids.
    But when he pictured her with someone else his blood went
hot and raging.
    He had hurt her by turning her down but she didn’t know how
much he was suffering too. Maybe he should just explain his reasons a little
    It might break the ice that had built up between them this
weekend. After all he shouldn’t be avoiding someone he was trying to stay close
to so he could protect her.
    Going inside and up the stairs, he went to her bedroom door
and pushed it open. He stopped dead in his tracks. His still-half-hard cock
came back full force at the sight before him.
    * * * * *
    Jessie had been embarrassed for all of two minutes before
she got pissed. Who needed him anyway? She was perfectly capable of taking care
of things herself. And she was about to prove it.
    She was still hot and bothered from sitting in his lap and
feeling his hard cock under her ass. She pushed her jeans down her hips and,
leaving them at her knees, lay down on the bed. Popping her breasts out of the
top of her tank, she pinched her nipples and imagined his tongue on her
    Moaning his name, she ran her fingers down her belly and
between her legs.

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