Second to Cry

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Book: Second to Cry by Carys Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carys Jones
    ‘What are your plans for today?’ Edmond asked, deciding it best to change the subject of their conversation.
    ‘Today? I’m catching up on some paperwork so will just be in the office.’
    ‘Good, good.’ Edmond nodded. ‘Paperwork is a pain but important. Glad you’re staying on top of it all.’
    ‘What about you?’
    ‘I’m due in court this afternoon,’ Edmond sighed. ‘Another DUI for one of the Lambeth boys.’
    ‘You don’t think it will go well for him?’
    ‘Not this time, no.’ Edmond shook his head sadly. ‘He was extremely careless after a night out and his passenger broke both hips. They will make an example of him, I reckon. I just won’t savour being there when his family self-implodes, as they always do.’
    ‘Sounds like a tough afternoon,’ Aiden sympathized.
    ‘But on the bright side, tomorrow is Friday,’ Edmond grinned. ‘And after Friday comes the weekend and I severely need to work on my handicap.’
    Aiden almost missed the golf reference, but caught it just as he was about to question what Edmond meant.
    ‘You should really think about joining me,’ Edmond added. He was always trying to get Aiden to join him on the golf course.
    ‘I’m not much of a golfer.’
    ‘But it’s a great networking opportunity.’
    ‘I will come at some point,’ Aiden conceded and, satisfied with his answer, Edmond checked his watch and began to gather together his belongings.
    ‘I’d best be off,’ he told his colleague. ‘Whilst the Lambeths don’t adhere to driving laws, they are sticklers for timekeeping!’
    ‘Good luck.’
    ‘I’ll need it!’ Edmond waved as he hurried out the door.
    Alone in the office, Aiden endeavoured to plough through his mounting pile of paperwork. With Edmond gone, he should be able to power through it relatively quickly.
    Barely a half hour had passed when Betty’s voice came crackling into the office through the intercom.
    ‘Mr Connelly?’
    Aiden groaned to himself. He didn’t need a coffee; he just needed some peace to get his work done. Betty was always well intentioned though, so he tried to quell his annoyance at being disturbed.
    ‘Yes, Betty?’
    ‘I’m sorry to disturb you, but there is a lady here to see you.’
    A lady? Aiden assumed it was Isla, but wouldn’t Betty just say it was his wife? Betty could be odd at the best of times.
    ‘Send her in.’
    Moments later and the door to the office opened. Aiden looked up, expecting to see his wife either dropping something off or wanting some money, and was shocked to see the statuesque figure of Deena Fern standing in the doorway.
    She wore a long turquoise maxi dress which just skimmed the floor, with her hair partly tied back so there were still some blonde ringlets cascading down her back. Her aviators were perched on her head and her blue eyes regarded Aiden nervously as she hovered by the door.
    The cold, self-assured woman he had encountered at the game had been replaced by a much more anxious version of herself.
    ‘Come in,’ Aiden gestured once he’d remembered his manners, having gotten over the initial shock of her being there.
    Deena came in, still looking uneasy.
    ‘Can I get you a coffee?’ he offered kindly.
    ‘No, thank you. I don’t plan on staying long,’ Deena told him.
    They were unaccustomed to receiving visitors in the office on a regular basis, so Aiden had to hurriedly wheel round Edmond’s office chair for Deena to sit in.
    She elegantly lowered herself into the chair, her hands clasped in her lap.
    ‘What can I do for you, Mrs Fern?’ he asked, having no idea why she’d be there.
    ‘I know why my husband hired you,’ she said, her voice resuming its usual coolness.
    ‘Why has he hired me?’ Aiden asked her, not sure if she was bluffing.
    Deena cleared her throat and took a moment to answer, as though she were psyching herself up.
    ‘He doesn’t believe that Davis is his son,’ she told Aiden simply, giving him a long, hard, confident

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