The Emissary (Horse Women of the Zombie Apocalypse)

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Book: The Emissary (Horse Women of the Zombie Apocalypse) by K. A. Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Jordan
Tags: Zombie, apocalypse, horse, Archer
    "I'll take point," Beth said.
    Alexis nodded and dropped back to take rear guard.
    "I hope it's not a pack of them. " Both Julie and her horse were wide-eyed and nervous.
    'Them' meant the muerto. Mindless, bloodless creatures that had once been human, they aimlessly roamed the countryside feasting on living flesh.
    Beth signaled Mist to walk on. Mist stepped out at a lively pace the other horses had to hustle to match. Mist was concerned with something hidden in the brush on the left. She kept one ear trained on it while the other ear scanned for sounds ahead or behind.
    Behind Beth, Julie's horse gave a long, rolling snort. Mist turned sideways, ears pinned flat, mouth open to snap as the young horse crowded her flanks.
    "Toby, quit!" Julie swore at her horse. "Do either of you see anything?"
    "Patch acts like it's dangerous." Alexis patted her horse to calm him.
    Beth glanced back. Patch's head was to his chest, ears back, nose scrunched up, showing teeth. He chewed his bit and green froth dripped down his chest. Anything that got too close would get kicked or bitten.
    When the brush closed in, the sisters heard loud breathing and low moans. Beth checked the trail ahead. There was open space to the right, an intersection.
    "I've got our right flank. Alexis take the left. Shoot anything that breaks cover," Beth said
    "Yep." Alexis brought her bow up, concentrating on her target.
    Mist breathed in short snorts, puff - puff - puff. Beth scanned for movement, her bow ready, but she kept a deep seat to keep her horse moving slowly.
    "Clear to the right," Beth said.
    Alexis called. "Hey! Show yourself! Or I'll put an arrow through you."
    "Three people," Dani told Beth. "Moving in."
    There was a crash in the brush - Beth threw a quick look over her shoulder. Three ragged men rushed the riders and their horses.
    Julie made frightened sound and the young horses snorted with fear.
    Mist humped her back, threatening to kick the younger horses for crowding her.
    "They're stinkers!" Julie squeaked.
    "Go then!" Beth wheeled Mist in a half-circle, letting the young horses bolt through the last yards of brush towards the road.
    "Head shots only!" Alexis suited her actions to her words and killed the closest one. Beth shot the second. The third one was so close Patch squealed and lashed out with both hind feet. It hit the ground headfirst with a wet squish.
    "Move!" Beth ordered, nocking an arrow to her ear. She got the last stinker through the mouth. The stench of rotting flesh hit her and Mist like a brick. Mist cleared her nostrils with a huge snort.
    "Ew!" Alexis gagged.
    "Go!" Beth leaned forward and Mist bolted for the road, Patch at her heels. They broke through the brush.The other sisters and their pack horses where already crossing the clearing.
    "Woo-hoo!" Alexis crowed. "Just like hunting coyotes!" Patch gave an angry snort as another ragged stinker crashed from the brush, followed by two more.
    "Three more!" Alexis kicked Patch into a gallop. "Go!"
    Mist surged into a gallop. Beth had her bow and arrows in one hand, careful to avoid stabbing herself or her horse. Her sisters fell in behind Mist as the mare charged down the side of the road. They ran until the stinkers were out of sight. They slowed to a long trot. It wasn't the most comfortable gait, but the horses could keep it up for miles.
    Beth wanted a dozen miles behind them before dark. Mist appeared to think the same thing. The mare set an even pace and kept it up until late afternoon. As the sun started to dip to the west, they looked for a safe place to camp. At a turn in the road, they found a burned out subdivision. Short grass and cow patties told them cattle grazed there.
    "I'd love to have a steak," Dani said with a sigh. "Can we hunt cattle?"
    "The smell of fresh cow guts will bring stinkers We'll have to make due with a cold camp and trail rations." Alexis made a face.
    "I like steak better." Julie tugged at her pack horse. "At least we've got

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