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Book: Forgotten by Catherine Gardiner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Gardiner
that they had run away in the first place; Suzanne’s constant reminders made sure of that.
    Suzanne tucked her legs underneath herself to get more comfortable on her window-seat as she watched the storm approaching and guessed that it was directly over Portland. Leaning back against the window frame, Suzanne’s mind drifted as she began to think about the day Marcus had told her that they were going to America. It had been the first week in April, 1912 and they had been staying in a London townhouse that Suzanne didn’t care for. Marcus had purchased four first class tickets for the cruise ship, the Titanic, although Suzanne had suspected he hadn’t been entirely honest about how he had acquired them. Suzanne closed her eyes, and moved forward so she could rest her forehead on the cool glass of her window, and let her memories come back to her …
    April, 1912
    “We’re going to America!” Marcus said suddenly, taking everyone by surprise.
    Suzanne looked up at him, annoyed. “And when did this get decided?” she snapped.
    “It got decided a few days ago when someone matching Katrina’s description was seen in New York.”
    “And you forgot to tell me this because?” Suzanne accused, jumping up off the plush velvet sofa and coming face to face with Marcus.
    “If you had let me finish I would have told you, Suzanne,” Marcus continued calmly, stepping away from her.
    “Will you two please stop bickering?” Emily said quietly, rubbing her temples.
    An uncomfortable silence fell over the room and Suzanne looked at the other people surrounding her. Emily was at a walnut desk by the windows, writing in one of her many journals which she had kept since she had been turned into a vampire. She glanced up under Suzanne’s gaze and smiled at her, before returning to her writing.
    Next Suzanne averted her eyes toward Jonathan, who was playing solitaire with a deck of playing cards at a small oak table in the corner of the room. Then she looked over to Marcus, who stood beside the fireplace, staring at the flickering flames. The fire cast eerie shadows over Marcus’ face which made Suzanne shiver; sometimes Suzanne forgot that Marcus wasn’t human but a vampire, and a powerful one at that.
    Nervously touching her silver heart shaped pendant, a constant reminder of her sister, Suzanne took a deep breath and walked over to Marcus.
    “What exactly do you know?” Suzanne asked desperately.
    “I know that you’re putting yourself through hell for no reason!”
    “No reason! My sister could be anywhere, or even dead , and you’re making out that I shouldn’t worry!”
    “As I said, Katrina has been seen in America.”
    “Okay then, how did they know that the person they saw was Katrina?” Suzanne asked sarcastically.
    “They just did!”
    “That’s not an answer, that’s an excuse. I want to know how.”
    “I can’t tell you, Suzanne. I’d like to but I can’t.”
    “You can’t or you won’t?”
    “Marcus, why can’t you just tell her what’s going on?” Emily intervened, appearing at Marcus’ side.
    “Emily, please keep out of this!” Marcus snarled, baring his fangs briefly at her.
    “Why should I?” Emily demanded.
    “Because it doesn’t concern you,” Marcus retorted.
    Emily laughed and raised her arms in disbelief. “Marcus, I can’t believe you! Do you know what you’re saying? If there is any information on Katrina it concerns all of us, especially Suzanne!”
    “Please tell me, Marcus,” Suzanne pleaded. Tears started to form in her eyes.
    “Suzanne, you won’t like what I’ve got to say,” Marcus said, moving away from the girls to sit down on the sofa nearest the fire. “Katrina attacked a small child. In the struggle, the girl tore off Katrina’s silver pendant.” He glanced at the pendant’s twin, delicately hanging from Suzanne’s neck.
    Suzanne recoiled at Marcus’ words, then sat stiffly in a stunned silence, staring blankly off into space. Emily sat down on the

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