The Skinner

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Book: The Skinner by Neal Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neal Asher
even – that inhibit the growth of the viral fibres. Hoopers have possessed the facilities for growing them since the days of Jay Hoop himself, and lucky they did or they wouldn’t
have survived. They enjoyed more variety when the Polity finally arrived. Garlic is particularly good. Hoopers like garlic. They’ve grown it here for nearly a millennium.’
    ‘You’d have thought they wouldn’t want to inhibit the growth of those fibres.’
    ‘Slow growth is better than fast – that way you don’t go native,’ Erlin replied.
    Janer waited for an explanation but none was forthcoming. He finished off the boxy meat first, and was about to pursue the matter when he heard a pitiful squeaking and looked down. Roach had
opened a cast-iron bait box and was now baiting his hook. The creature wriggling in his fingers, in its attempt to escape being impaled, had the appearance of a miniature trumpet with a wading
bird’s legs and webbed feet.
    ‘Let’s leave him to it,’ said Erlin. ‘It can be dangerous for an off-worlder to stand near a Hooper while he’s fishing.’
    ‘What do you mean?’
    Erlin pointed at the bait box.
    ‘One of those things could chew into you like a drill bit. They’re difficult to remove once they get started.’
    Janer nodded and stepped back. The little trumpet-things were leaping up and down in the box and, though they had no eyes, they seemed to be watching him. Roach showed no particular caution of
the creature he held as he finally impaled it on a gleaming hook. As it let out a bubbling squeak, Janer saw the others in the bait box quit their squeaking and sink out of sight. He nodded to the
crewman before following Erlin, but so intent was Roach on getting his line out, he did not notice.
    Erlin went on, ‘Besides, there’s all the other things Roach might bring up on his line. There’s frog whelks and hammer whelks down there, not to mention glisters and prill. And
there’s always leeches of course.’
    Janer had no idea what most of these things were, and was not sure he wanted to find out just then.
    As they came opposite the mast Erlin gestured at his belt. ‘You’re not carrying your weapon. I suggest you do,’ she said.
    Janer nodded, then his attention was caught by a shoal of somethings sliding past the ship, just below the surface. At first he thought they might be dolphins, then he realized they were huge
    ‘Why do people want to stay here?’ he asked. ‘It seems a hellish place.’
    Erlin was thoughtful for a moment before replying. ‘For Hoopers it’s what they’re accustomed to. Only in recent years have they become aware that they can leave. They stay
because of the benefits they see. If they live long enough, they’ll end up like the Old Captains: practically unkillable, almost inured to pain, utterly at peace with themselves.’
    ‘Seems they’d have to survive for a long time to attain that,’ said Janer, still watching the leeches.
    ‘Yes,’ said Erlin. ‘There’s also the fact of the economy here – something that with our own benefits we tend to forget. A Hooper has to work for a very long time to
be able to afford passage away from here.’
    Janer turned to her, the words ‘afford passage’ registering in his blurry mind.
    ‘I suppose this particular little jaunt is not for free?’ he said.
    Erlin smiled. ‘No, I suggest you see Ron soon and negotiate a price.’
    Janer looked up at the broad back of the big Captain. ‘I don’t suppose that negotiation need involve me calling him “a robber and a thief”, should it? I don’t fancy
the idea of him getting annoyed with me.’
    ‘Old Captains infrequently lose their tempers – too dangerous,’ Erlin told him. ‘You can call him what you like so long as you pay him. I’m sure you won’t
want to disembark just here.’
    Janer once again studied the passing shoal of leeches. He searched for something more to say to keep the conversation going. ‘Tell me,’ he said,

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