White Water

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Book: White Water by Linda I. Shands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda I. Shands
give her a chance to get a word in edgewise. “The ranger station is sending a crew to tranquilize and relocate this animal, but they can’t get to it until tomorrow at the earliest. I’d prefer not to have to worry about you and Tia and Ryan getting in its way.”
    Kara swallowed back her anger. A shouting match would only make things worse and prove she was as immature as Dad was treating her. She hadn’t heard Anne come in, but the cook stood at the counter cracking eggs into a bowl. Kara looked at Anne, hoping for some backup and once again wishing Mom were here to take her side. But Mom wasn’t here, and Anne had no control over Dad. He was her boss.
    Dad was already turning toward the door. “Dad, wait!” Kara jumped up and stepped in front of him. “I need to talk to you.”
    He scowled. “Now?” He glanced at Anne, and Kara wondered if he, too, wanted someone on his side. “This really isn’t a good time, Wakara. Anne’s making breakfast.”
    Kara refused to give up. “Please, Dad, it’s important.”
    â€œBreakfast will keep, a daughter will not,” Anne said quietly .
    Kara stood perfectly still. Yes! Thank you, Anne!
    Dad’s eyes widened in shock, and then his shoulders drooped like he’d just had the wind knocked out of him. Kara bit her lower lip to keep herself quiet. The few seconds it took Dad to decide seemed like an hour. Finally, he exhaled slowly and flashed her a defeated grin.
    â€œAll right, might as well get it over with,” he said. “Want to go outside?”
    Kara nodded. She followed him to the front door, grabbed her jacket off the rack, and joined him at the far end of the deck. Dad sat down on the bench and patted the seat next to him, but she pulled up a chair so that she was facing him. God , she prayed quietly, in the Bible You promised You’d give us words to say when we need them. This may not be exactly what You meant, but I sure need the right words now. Please!
    She looked Dad in the eyes. “You’ve always told me how mature and responsible I am and how much you depend on me. Until a few days ago, I thought you trusted me.” She took a deep breath and tried to keep her voice from shaking. “I need to know what I’ve done to lose your trust.”
    Dad looked startled. “Nothing!” He shook his head, “I mean, it has nothing to do with trust, Wakara.” He reached over and took her hand. “I still think you are mature for your age, and you’ve certainly proved you’re responsible, even ifyou did take a big risk by riding Lily without a helmet.” He squeezed her hand. “But I have to tell you, Sweetheart, that episode with the bear back in Lariat really shook me. You could have been killed! And quite honestly, I don’t think I could live with that.”
    Especially after losing Mom . He hadn’t said that, but she knew that was part of it.
    â€œNow we’ve got this nuisance bear on our hands,” he continued, “and, frankly, I can’t take the risk of you or your brother getting hurt. And,” he silenced her by holding up one finger, “that goes double when it comes to being responsible for someone else’s child like Tia.” He ran one hand through his hair. “I really think it’s best for Mark to take you guys and Anne home.”
    Kara wanted to scream “Foul!” But instead of arguing, she decided to try and be reasonable. “Look, Dad, when did you say the rangers were coming to relocate this pest?”
    â€œTomorrow afternoon. Maybe as late as Monday morning. That is, assuming they can track him and pin him down.”
    â€œJust listen, okay?” Dad looked at the sky with a give-me-patience attitude, but he nodded yes, and Kara went on. “I know how much work there is to do around here, and we both know Tia and I can do almost as much of it as the guys. What if we

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