Hunt For The Hero (Book 5)

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Book: Hunt For The Hero (Book 5) by Craig Halloran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Craig Halloran
the stone doorway. Two huge slabs of stone jutted from the ground standing twelve feet tall and another stone cut in a semi-circle was laid over the tops of them, perfectly aligned. Kryzak slipped his gauntlets from his hands and dropped them to the ground. He rubbed his fingers together, kneeled and stretched his arms out wide. Chin up, eyes closed, an incantation spewed from his lips.
    “ Oleenapaaaawwwwn … Oleenapaaaawwwwn… Oleenapaaaawwwwn… ” 
    The tattoos on his bald head pulsated with life.
    The Satyr stepped back, biting his nails.
    A swirl of dark colors filled the archway and a grey mist rolled out and covered the grasses and the ground.
    The Satyr could n’t see his hooves. His heart beat faster. His tiny horns tingled. He couldn’t take his eyes from the archway. And time seemed to stop.
    A woman stepped through. She was tall, dark and raven-haired. Her eyes were like black pearls.
    Kryzak didn’t move but his eyes popped open. A crease formed on his brow.
    The Satyr fell to his knees. His gaze remained on the woman. Her eyes glossed over him, bringing a chill, before falling on Kryzak.
    “Rise , Kryzak,” she said. Her voice was polished and commanding.
    Kryzak rose. His fingers twitched at his sides.
    “High Priestess! I was not expecting your audience.” His strong voice trembled a little, shaken. “It was not my desire to disturb you.”
    She sauntered through the mist, looking around with her arms folded over her robes. She was graceful and purposed when she moved.
    Finlin felt his heart flutter. He feared her yet was drawn to her.
    “You’ve summoned much without my consultation, Kryzak. Did you think it would not escape my notice ?” she said. “You must have tracked down many Dragons. And so soon?”
    His feet didn’t move but he turned the best he could to face her.
    “I have the greatest Dragon of all in my grasp,” he said.
    “Oh,” she said. She stepped in front of Finlin and rubbed the hair between the horns on his head. His hoof pounded the ground. “And how is that?”
    “Nath Dragon,” he said. “He sleeps.”
    Her fingers stopped and she turned.
    “Tell me more,” she said, stepping away.
    Finlin felt his heart sink. His fingers stretched through the mist and after her. Oh, my Queen!
    “This Satyr is my spy and he’s trailed them and heard the ir speech. Nath Dragon slept months the last time. They suspect he’ll sleep just as long again. He’ll change. They fear the change is bad for him. I suspect that is good for us.”
    A black tail rose out of the mist and struck Kryzak across the face. He was lifted from his feet and disappeared into the mist. The tail slithered under the fog and jerked Kryzak back to his feet by the neck. His face was red.
    Finlin trembled, eyes searching the mist, backing away. What is that thing?
    “Satyr,” she said.
    “Yes!” Finlin blurted out.
    “Are you certain of this?” Her eyes probed his. He could feel it in his bones. “Every bit of it ?”
    “As certain as I am of my hooved feet,” he said, bowing. “I can take you right to him. Anything you please.”
    The black serpent tail lifted Kryzak farther from the ground. His feet dangled over the mist and his fingers dug at the scales. He tried to speak but couldn’t. He was choking.
    “I feel you’ve done well, Kryzak,” she said. “Possibly better than I hoped. Nath Dragon is changing even sooner than expected.” She lowered him down and faced him eye to eye. “Would you still die for me , Kryzak?”
    His hard face dipped up and down.
    “Good,” she said, smiling a little. She gave his forehead a kiss.
    The tail squeezed his neck until his big body went limp . She flipped the body through the air and it disappeared through the swirling portal.
    Finlin shook without control when she turned and faced him.
    “What are you shaking for, Fawnish Man?”
    “Why-Why d-did you d-do that?” he said. “You said he’d d-done well?”
    Her tail petted the hair between

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