Courting His Royal Highness

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Book: Courting His Royal Highness by Amy Hahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Hahn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Romance
smothered a grin. “Oh?”
    “Yeah. Betcha your European girls aren’t like that.”
    The corners of his mouth curled up. “Betcha?”
    She glared at him.
    He thought she was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen.
    “Are you making fun?”
    “Absolutely not. It’s just I’ve never heard anyone use that word before.”
    “It’s common in Minnesota.”
    “That’s where you’re from?”
    She nodded. “Great state if you can survive the winters.”
    “I love the cold.”
    Chloe looked at him as if he belonged in the psychiatric ward. “You’re crazy. I’d take warm weather over winter any day. However, I do miss the fall. All those gorgeous tree colors. Does it get cold in Romalia?”
    “Yes. Are you sure I can’t help you with that?” He waved towards Roger, his chauffeur. “Roger would be more than happy to help you, seeing as you won’t let me. It’s sort of his job.”
    “Nope.” Chloe turned around and hugged Julia. “I’ll miss you, Jules. Be good. And don’t forget to feed Domino.”
    Julia simply nodded. She hadn’t taken her eyes off of Max.
    Max swept her a bow. “Once again, a pleasure to meet you.”
    “Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.” Giggles erupted from Julia as he kissed her hand. Her cheeks flushed pink. Her lashes fluttered. She started to fan herself with her other hand.
    “Until we meet again, Miss Julia.”
    Chloe placed a quick kiss on Julia’s cheek and gave Max a gentle shove. “Way to go. You’re only encouraging it.”
    “What?” he asked innocently as he followed her down the curving sidewalk. He couldn’t resist blowing a kiss over his shoulder at Julia.
    Julia squealed and jumped up and down, waving excitedly.
    “I saw that. You’re incorrigible.”
    Max couldn’t take it anymore. She could barely lift the suitcases, even with two hands. He strode past her and snatched them up.
    “I’m all for equality, but I’m also an old-fashioned type of guy, and I like to help out a lady in distress.”
    “I’m not a lady in distress,” she called after him.
    He could hear the smile in her voice but didn’t look back. All women appreciated a gentleman. He tossed both suitcases into the trunk and slammed it shut.
    “Now you aren’t going to argue about having the door opened for you, are you?” he asked.
    She was smiling. Those velvety eyes sparkled. She tossed a chunk of thick hair over her shoulder. “No. I kind of like having doors opened for me.”
    “And suitcases carried for you.”
    She tilted her head and rested her hands on her hips. “Yeah, that too.”
    Roger tipped his hat to her and opened the passenger door.
    Max waved her in. “After you.”
    She ducked inside.
    He followed, but not before blowing one more kiss in Julia’s direction. She still stood in the doorway, waving and smiling and jumping up and down.
    Chloe poked her head out. “I saw that.”
    He winked. “Guilty.”
    “Julia will never be the same.”
    “Women are never the same after experiencing my charms,” he said, sinking beside her on the leather upholstery. He knew for certain he would never be the same after meeting Chloe.
    She wrinkled her nose. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re rather arrogant?”
    He shrugged. “Goes with the job.”
    “You honestly think you’re irresistible?”
    The limo moved forward. Max smiled over at Chloe. He didn’t see the need to lie. Women liked him. They happened to like him a lot. He’d be a hypocrite to say otherwise.
    “Well, I’ve never been short of admirers. Women have been swooning at my feet since I was a teenager.”
    She studied him for a moment with her chocolate eyes. “I believe it.”
    “How about you, Chloe? Have I rocked your world?”
    A blush tinged her cheeks. “No,” she whispered before looking out the window.
    Max knew Chloe Tanner had changed his world, rocked it, tipped it completely off its axis.
    And he liked it. He liked it a lot.
    [Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Five

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