The Captain's Caress

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Book: The Captain's Caress by Leigh Greenwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Greenwood
the weather was much too hot for silks and satins, quilted brocades or fine wools. She picked up a soft chemise and held it next to her. It was certainly thin enough, but even the petticoats were made of layer upon layer of stiff material. She would have to be content with one of her old gowns. She barely had time to put on her dress and tie up her hair before a knock sounded at the door.
    “May we come in, milady?” an unfamiliar voice called. “We have the captain’s bath.” Summer was startled out of her composure. Where were they going to put a bath? It was unthinkable that they would bring it into her cabin. But before she could protest, two young boys, straining under the weight of a large copper tub, staggered into the room and deposited their burden in the middle of the floor.
    “I hope we didn’t wake you, milady,” said the youth with sandy hair and freckles.
    “No, you didn’t wake me,” Summer replied numbly.
    “The captain likes to get started powerful early,” the boy said, staring at Summer with open admiration, “but it doesn’t suit everybody to be up and about at such hours.”
    “Th-th-that’s all right,” she stammered, wondering how to escape before Brent came back. In her agitation she failed to hear approaching footsteps, and she nearly jumped out of her skin when Brent’s voice roared from the open doorway.
    “The captain particularly likes his crew to go about their business without useless chatter. That water won’t jump into the copper by itself, so you’d better give it some help.”
    Brent’s displeasure reduced the youths to quaking incoherence, and they hurried from the room. “I begin to wonder if either of those lads will ever amount to anything,” he said, looking over his shoulder at the retreating boys. “Show them a pretty face and everything goes out of their heads.” He waited expectantly for Summer to respond, but when she said nothing he moved impatiently about the cabin collecting what he needed for a bath. “They were supposed to have the tub filled by eight o’clock, but the fools were afraid to come in with you in here.”
    “Do you have a bath every morning?” Summer couldn’t believe she had just asked such an improper question.
    “Yes, but not always here. Sometimes I swim in the ocean, and at other times we rig up a shower on deck. But the sea is cold, even in summer, and I look forward to an occasional warm bath in front of a fire.”
    “How do you build a fire on a ship?” she asked, curiosity battling her shame.
    “We use small oil burners with reflectors. They’re not as good as a log fire, but they serve the purpose.”
    The boys returned, straining under their load of hot water.
    “Don’t slop it on the floor,” Brent barked. “I don’t want to slip and break my head because you don’t know how to pour water out of a bucket.”
    The boys hurried away, to return again and again until the huge copper was filled with steaming water.
    “That’s enough for now,” Brent said, finally. “Remember to have it ready on time tomorrow.”
    “Yes, Captain,” was all they dared say before effacing themselves and escaping as quickly as they could.
    “I’m forgetting my manners,” Brent said, as he placed a chair and towel within reach of the tub. “Would you like a bath?” Summer shook her head vigorously. “Are you sure? It’s no trouble to have more water brought in.”
    “Thank you, but I don’t want a bath,” she insisted.
    “Suit yourself.” He stripped quickly and stepped into the tub. Summer was no longer shocked that he would undress in front of her, but she still hid her eyes. This time, however, she used her hands instead of a pillow.
    With an appreciative sigh, Brent settled down into the water until it was right under his chin. “Will you hand me the soap?”
    “The soap. I can’t reach it.”
    “Where is it?” she asked, being careful to keep her eyes averted. The knowledge that he was naked

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