The Seventh Sons (Sycamore Moon Series Book 1)

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Book: The Seventh Sons (Sycamore Moon Series Book 1) by Domino Finn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Domino Finn
to get there. Maxim was generally a patient person, but this trip was unbearable.
    The marshal nodded his head in thought. He leaned back and put his hands together like he was settling in for a long discussion. "The Seventh Sons are no doubt involved in criminal activity."
    He immediately had the detective's attention.
    "Sanctuary is just off the Interstate, but it's still hidden in a deep pocket of the woods and mountains. It is a convenient place for truckers to diverge from their routes and accept supplemental cargo."
    Maxim nodded in acquiescence. It was common for outlaw clubs to be involved in drug muling and other gang-related offenses.
    "But," continued Boyd, "most of the illegal activity happens outside of our jurisdiction. Federal authorities are monitoring the situation, and we've been advised to stand down."
    "So we're just supposed to shut up and stay away?" asked Maxim incredulously. It wasn't about minor collars but professional courtesy.
    The marshal's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. "It might sound derelict of us initially," he said, "but transporting contraband across state lines has broader implications. We've been asked to stay idle. However, you should feel free to follow policy and use me as a conduit to request any information you need."
    Maxim hissed. "Well damn if that doesn't sound like trying to get an echo out of a black hole."
    Boyd raised a single shoulder in a half-hearted shrug as he typed a text message on his phone. "Now you sound like Hitchens." Maxim waited a moment but they both remained silent.
    At this point, Maxim was more frustrated than nervous about the meeting. The detective turned his gaze from one to the other before locking it onto the woman. "So which one of you is going to tell me what you're doing here?"


    A full smile crossed the strange woman's lips, but it was the marshal who spoke. "Detective Dwyer, let me introduce you to the reason behind our rhyme."
    The woman rose and Maxim stood up to meet her. She was taller than him and moved her lithe frame smoothly. She held her hand out in the air and the detective complied with a light shake.
    "Nithya Rao," she said, withdrawing her soft fingers from his grasp.
    He couldn't tell her age. She had to be a bit older than him, but she could have passed for ten years younger. And she was even more beautiful from up close.
    "Ms. Rao is with the CDC," said Boyd, putting his phone aside for a moment, "and is one of the aforementioned federal authorities with whom we are coordinating."
    The detective's expression must have revealed his bewilderment because the woman smiled again and said, "You must have a lot of questions." Maxim now noticed her British accent, and it seemed to make her even more attractive. She returned to her seat and motioned for him to do the same.
    "I am in charge of the Flagstaff area," she started as he sat, "and assigned to the Seventh Sons, among others. By now you are aware of the reason for such secrecy in the matter?"
    Maxim couldn't believe he was about to bring the subject up in front of the marshal—but there was only one reason the Centers for Disease Control would be involved. "The wolves."
    Nithya nodded. "You must know that everything I am about to confide to you must be held in the utmost of confidences. I am only requesting your assistance since it seems you are already familiar with the situation and, well, given recent events, I could use a capable officer in Sanctuary."
    "What, that's it?" asked Maxim. "I find out about the wolves and interview a couple of people, and now you want to let me in?"
    "Is that not enough?"
    Maxim thought for a moment. It sounded like he was getting rewarded for his bad behavior. "Does this mean I get a free pass to take down the Seventh Sons?"
    Marshal Boyd scoffed as if Maxim was missing the point. The detective glared at him, but the smug man just shook his head, so Maxim turned to Nithya for answers.
    She looked

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