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Book: ForsakingEternity by Voirey Linger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Voirey Linger
air, cock out, with Adam
kneeling between his splayed legs.
    Before his stunned mind could grasp what had just happened,
Adam’s lips were on his again, his come-slicked tongue thrusting into his
    “Come with me,” Adam said, pulling away and grasping Ren’s
hand. He tugged Ren to his feet and led him through the house to his bedroom
    Ren stopped at the threshold, struck by a moment of
uncertainty. The enormity of what was about to happen hit him and his courage
    “What’s the matter?” Adam had stopped, sensitive as ever to
Ren’s reservations.
    “I want this, I want you, but…”
    “But what?”
    “The idea of being penetrated… I do not know if I am ready
for this.” Ren searched Adam’s face, a silent plea for understanding.
    “Nothing you aren’t ready for, Ren. There are many ways to
    Ren tried to make sense of that, but before he could Adam
was kissing him again. His thoughts scrambled and whatever worries he’d had
diminished into nothingness. They staggered across the room, kissing and
tugging at each other’s clothing. By the time they fell across the bed, they
were more naked than clothed.
    Cool air washed over him as Adam moved away. A drawer
scraped open, then came the snick and sputter of a bottle that had Ren tensing
    “Touch me. That’s all, just touching.” Adam stretched out
beside Ren once more. Taking Ren’s hand, he placed it on his cock.
    Adam’s flesh was slick, hot. Ren let his hand slide over it,
testing Adam’s length and width before wrapping it in his fist. He touched Adam
the way he liked to be touched, holding him with the firm grip he craved, and
    Adam groaned and seemed to sink into the mattress as he went
limp. The hard lines of his body seemed to dissolve. Ren let his hand take
another hard slide and Adam’s hips rocked into the movement.
    “More, Ren. I want it hard and fast. Make me come.”
    Ren leaned over and took Adam’s mouth once more. He summoned
his power and let it flow, willed it to fill every last corner of Adam’s body,
to titillate and tantalize. With his fist sliding around Adam’s cock and his
power flowing between them, Ren drove Adam’s arousal higher, determined to give
him pleasure like he’d never had before, filling Adam so full of power he
    Once again, Adam took charge, rolling them until he lay
between Ren’s thighs and his body pressed Ren’s into the bedding. His hand
locked over Ren’s and he thrust into their joint fist. Tongues tangled and Ren
found unexpected enjoyment in allowing this man to simply use him, use his
body, to take control of their mutual pleasure.
    Adam’s hand on his squeezed harder and his muscles went
taut. His harsh breath in Ren’s ear became a series of rough gasps, punctuated
by cries of harder, more and fuckfuckfuck .
    Then he came, his back arching and his groin jerking against
Ren’s soft balls and reawakening cock. Adam’s come flowed over Ren’s belly and
their clasped hands, a burning heat that cooled to a chill before Adam
collapsed on top of Ren.
    Adam’s breath fell over Ren’s shoulder in ragged gasps for
several minutes before he pushed himself up and rolled to the side.
    He didn’t leave Ren completely, though. With one arm wrapped
around Ren’s waist, Adam pulled him close.
    “Ah, Ren.” The words were a mere whisper against his hair
but Ren felt them somewhere deep inside.
    Ren closed his eyes and tried to swallow past the tightness
in his throat.
    How was he ever going to leave this man?
    * * * * *
    What a difference one night could make.
    Sitting at his desk, Adam tried to ignore the tense silence
hanging between him and Ren. Just last night they’d fallen asleep in each
other’s arms. Today Ren couldn’t look at him. He’d been tense and distant since
Adam woke.
    Maybe it had been too much. Maybe Ren’s curiosity would have
been better left unappeased. Or maybe this was the brush-off. He’d gotten his
one night with a

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