Ralph Compton Whiskey River

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Book: Ralph Compton Whiskey River by RALPH COMPTON Read Free Book Online
still armed is that we’re still mostly unknown, except for the shooting Estrello’s seen us do. He needs our guns, and at some point he’ll try to force us to commit ourselves to him.”
    â€œYeah,” Mark agreed, “and we’d better be damned convincing. When this thing comes to a showdown, every man will want a share from the whiskey and gold there on the spot. From here, how far is it to where the gold’s buried?”
    â€œPerhaps twenty-five miles,” said Betsy.
    â€œIt’s workin’ out against us,” Keithley said. “Somehow we must finish this run to St. Louis and nail Estrello with some hard evidence. These killers have to be convinced it’s better to go for the gold after they’ve wagoned in the whiskey.”
    â€œThat might buy us some time,” said Mark, “but what good will it do?”
    â€œMaybe none,” Keithley said, “maybe plenty. Believe it or not, I was once a Ranger, and every day I could avoid gettin’ shot was another day I had to live.”
    â€œIncluding Betsy and Amanda, there’s ten of us,” said Mark. “That means odds against us are almighty long. I know this is dangerous talk, but one of us is goin’ to have to raise some opposition, some reason for delaying a showdown.”
    â€œThat makes sense,” Keithley said, “but how?”
    â€œIf we’re looking at this thing right,” said Bill, “even with ten of us throwing in with Estrello, we’re still hopelessly outgunned. We’ll have to stand behind the bastard at least until we can free ourselves from this snake pit.”
    â€œIf I ain’t gettin’ too nosey for my own good,” Keithley said, “are you expecting help from somewhere?”
    â€œTo be truthful, I’d have to say no,” said Bill. “I’m just lookin’ at the odds, at all the possible hands we can play. God knows, we don’t have many.”
    â€œKeithley,” Mark said, “if there’s any hope of us bustin’ out of this outfit without a life sentence at Huntsville or our backs to the wall before a firing squad, will you throw in with us?”
    â€œTo the bitter damn end, whatever it may be.” said Keithley. “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”
    â€œThere’s Long, Sullivan, Clemans, Ursino, Stackler, you, Betsy and Amanda, and Bill and me. Is there anybody else?” Mark asked.
    â€œNone that I’d count on,” said Keithley. “The men you named are capable of settling down and going straight, given a chance. The others are outlaws by choice.”
    â€œYou’ve spoken to the six we can count on, then,” Bill Harder said.
    â€œYes,” said Keithley said. “Once after Estrello gunned down a teamster who opposed him, and again after he killed Jake. If there’s any hope, we’ll stand with our backs to the wall and make them pay dearly for every one of us.”
    â€œI can tell you only this much,” Mark said. “We have a fighting chance to come out of this alive and redeem ourselves in the eyes of the law. Whatever happens, we must not allow our weapons to be taken from us. We must convince Estrello that the ten of us are with him, and it won’t be easy. The odds will still be impossibly long.”
    â€œIf we’re aimin’ to make a move,” said Keithley, “then you’ll know about when and where. Is this somethin’ me and the others are allowed to know?”
    â€œFrankly, we’re not sure,” Bill said. “There’s planning to be done. What’s your opinion on the gold Amanda and Betsy have hidden? Five years is quite a spell. I believe the gold’s still there, but how can we be sure? If we lead Estrello’s bunch that way, and the gold’s gone, we’re in big trouble.”
    â€œEstrello believes the gold’s still there,” said Keithley.

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