Time For Pleasure

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Book: Time For Pleasure by Angie Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie Daniels
with someone else. He ended their relationship a week before their wedding and married the slut next door. Tip was just a reminder of yet another failed relationship. So many times Kaelyn mentally replayed their life together trying to figure out where she had gone wrong, until she finally concluded that men, just like her father, never stuck around for long. And after she had picked her dignity off the floor, Kaelyn made herself a promise. S h e would never allow herself to be played again.
    “ A re you planning to see him again? ” Mackenzie asked, breaking into her thoughts.
    An image of Ashton ’ s piercing dark eyes and luscious lips filled Kaelyn’s mind again . “ I sure hope so. ”
    “ I mean more than just sex , ” Mackenzie said with a rude snort.
    Kaelyn tossed her dark hair away from her face and frowned. “ What else is there? ”
    With an i m patient scowl, he r friend leaned forward on the chair. “ U m hello… How about a relationship? I think A shton ’s just what you need in your life. ”
    Kaelyn held up a hand, hoping to put an end to the discussion . There was no way she was going to allow herself to think of a possible future with Ashton . Getting ahead of herself was something she had a bad habit o f doing way too often, which was why she had bought a car that was wrong for her . She didn’t take enough time to think her actions through , instead she had reacted on impulse. Well… not this time .
    “ I don ’t think so , ” Kaelyn said with little conviction.
    Wh ile sipping her margarita she allowed her mind to wander back to the day before. If she had a chance to have something more , she w ould jump at the chance. Ashton was funny, sexy and good with his hands. Her stomach quivered as she thought about just how sk illful those fingers were. But she knew better. There was no happily ever after. Relationships ran their course and eventually ended. She just wasn't prepared to go through that again.
    Anxious to change the subject , she turned to Mackenzie and said, “ You ’ re all up in my business . What about you? When are you going to get over Blake and find yourself a man? ” Pain darkened her gaze and Kaelyn immediately regretted bringing him up.
    Mackenzie rolled her eyes and tried to act like Blake was a distant memory , bu t Kaelyn knew better. He had hurt her badly. “ For your information, I’m over him , ” she countered defensively . “ And don’t change the subject. We’re talking about you, not me. ”
    “Whatever,” she muttered under her breath. With her foot she pushed out the chai r beside her , the n raised her slender legs, propping her feet on the seat.
    “ What’s up with your car? ”
    Kaelyn threw her head back against her chair and groaned . “ I tried again to call that prick at the dealership , but the receptionis t is still screening hi s calls. ”
    Mackenzie arched an inquisitive brow. “ Did you, uh, mention your car to Ashton ? ”
    She nodded in dismay. “ Yes, and I’m not sure if he believe d me. ” With a frown, she shook her head. “ T he way you local folks stick together is unbelievable. ”

    Mackenzi e blinked dark lashes and grinned . “ Welcome to Sheraton Beach. ”

    Chapter Seven
    Kaelyn was in her office editing photographs. Now that the Sensual Designs project was complete, she was back to a project she had been working on since her arrival to town. Clicking her mouse, she stared at the photographs she had taken in and around the city of Sheraton Beach.
    Thanks to Mackenzie, the Chamber of Commerce had contracted her to take pictures for a welcome brochure that was mailed to new residents. She had shot over one hundred photographs both in black and white and color, and was quite proud of the end results. She had been in the room almost three hours when she heard the doorbell ringing. Kaelyn rose, stretched, and then trotted down the hall to the front door.
    Her heart gave an involuntary thump at the

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