Soul at War
time. If it is a
false claim then I'm sure the ARC forces would make sure that it
became true by any means necessary."
    "Then I assume a distress
    "One was drafted and sent over a week
ago. We can only assume it was intercepted." Frakes leaned forward
and his face lost its political edge. "We have seen the ships
landing. We have seen them constructing their bases. We have seen
them hunt down and capture our people who stray out of our range.
They are returned to us on carts made of wood, burning alive as
they hurtle down the hill towards our city walls. Their heads are
cleaved from their bodies, their children pinned to the corpse. For
weeks now we have watched and sent out message after message after
message in the hope that we would be spared such a fate. Every day
and every night the people are praying. We have faith that we will
be saved from ARC, but at this point I am afraid that my faith is
beginning to fail." Defeated, he slumped back in his chair. "But if
I am to die, then I shall take up my cross and follow Christ as he
asks." I almost suggested negotiations, but I imagined they would
be met by the same fate.
    "Then all the more reason to begin
preparations to defend the city. It will be another five days
before a team is dispatched to investigate, we must hold
    "Lieutenant, my security team is made
up of no more than one hundred God fearing men and the population
of Dothon will not take up arms regardless of the consequences.
They simply don't have the heart to take life."
    "Regardless, sir. We must repel at all
costs." Frakes looked weary, forlorn in his tidy
    "I see no point." Burns shot to his
feet and the line of troopers surged forward. I joined him, cutting
in before he could lose control.
    "God-damn it man, you would sooner put
your faith in a miracle?” I shouted, slamming a fist into the
table. “Are you saying you will throw down your weapons and let
them take your women, your children, hoping some silent entity in
the sky is going to save you? Let me tell you this – I’ve been in
towns and cities just like this one, who refused help and relied on
this 'god' and I watched all of them burn to the sounds of babies
and children crying out for their mums and dads. Is this what you
    "He who lives by the sword shall die
by it," said Titus, defeated.
    "Inaction is the greatest sin here. In
five days a ship of hardened troopers shall arrive to support us.
Defend the city and at least we might have a chance." He motioned
to Phillips who rose to his feet, followed by the rest of us. "Will
you supply us with the schematics, Commander?" Frakes just looked
at his clasped hands. Eventually his eyes moved up from
    "I will see that you get
    "In the meantime my unit shall go to
where they are needed, we are at your disposal." We began to leave,
but Titus grabbed my arm on the way out and gave me the same look
he'd given me on the landing pad – disgust.
    "You will have to give an account for
all your deeds, Lieutenant. This day and all the others to
    “Maybe. How will you defend a life
spent in cowardice, scared of losing your 'reward' in heaven at the
expense of the lives of people you're supposed to be
    “You don't understand...” he said,
angry and furious.
    “You see, Frakes, I do. More than you
know. Tell me this, would you still follow this god of yours if
there was nothing in it for you – no heaven, no reward?”
    Frakes was silent. “I thought not.” I
said and walked away.


    The view from the outer wall was as
impressive as Nineveh's must have been. Its construction had
allowed a walkway six men wide to encompass the entire city,
separated every hundred metres by a rampart where in the frontier
days massive artillery pieces would have been mounted. Now all that
was left was a collection of rusting boltholes and fractured
concrete where the great recoil dampeners had been fixed into
    "It's a shame we don't have

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