The Door Into Summer

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Book: The Door Into Summer by Robert A. Heinlein Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert A. Heinlein
quicker than morphine. But that was all. Miles yelled something at Belle and grabbed me around the chest as my knees folded. As he dragged me over and let me collapse into a chair, even the dizziness passed.
    But while I was awake, part of me was dead. I know now what they used on me: the “zombie” drug, Uncle Sam’s answer to brainwashing. So far as I know, we never used it on a prisoner, but the boys whipped it up in the investigation of brainwashing and there it was, illegal but very effective. It’s the same stuff they now use in one-day psychoanalysis, but I believe it takes a court order to permit even a psychiatrist to use it.
    God knows where Belle laid hands on it. But then God alone knows what other suckers she had on the string.
    But I wasn’t wondering about that then; I wasn’t wondering about anything. I just lay slumped there, passive as a vegetable, hearing what went on, seeing anything in front of my eyes—but if Lady Godiva had strolled through without her horse I would not have shifted my eyes as she passed out of my vision.
    Unless I was told to.
    Pete jumped out of his bag, trotted over to where I slouched, and asked what was wrong. When I didn’t answer he started stropping my shins vigorously back and forth while still demanding an explanation. When still I did not respond he levitated to my knees, put his forepaws on my chest, looked me right in the face, and demanded to know what was wrong, right now and no nonsense.
    I didn’t answer and he began to wail.
    That caused Miles and Belle to pay attention to him. Once Miles had me in the chair he had turned to Belle and had said bitterly, “Now you’ve done it! Have you gone crazy?”
    Belle answered, “Keep your nerve, Chubby. We’re going to settle him once and for all.”
    “What? If you think I’m going to help in a murder —”
    “Stuff it! That would be the logical thing to do…but you don’t have the guts for it. Fortunately it’s not necessary with that stuff in him.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “He’s our boy now. He’ll do what I tell him to. He won’t make any more trouble.”
    “But…good God, Belle, you can’t keep him doped up forever. Once he comes out of it—”
    “Quit talking like a lawyer. I know what this stuff will do; you don’t. When he comes out of it he’ll do whatever I’ve told him to do. I’ll tell him never to sue us; he’ll never sue us. I tell him to quit sticking his nose into our business; okay, he’ll leave us alone. I tell him to go to Timbuktu; he’ll go there. I tell him to forget all this; he’ll forget…but he’ll do it just the same.”
    I listened, understanding her but not in the least interested. If somebody had shouted, “The house is on fire!” I would have understood that, too, and I still would not have been interested.
    “I don’t believe it.”
    “You don’t, eh?” She looked at him oddly. “You ought to.”
    “Huh? What do you mean?”
    “Skip it, skip it. This stuff works, Chubby. But first we’ve got to—”
    It was then that Pete started wailing. You don’t hear a cat wail very often; you could go a lifetime and not hear it. They don’t do it when fighting, no matter how badly they are hurt; they never do it out of simple displeasure. A cat does it only in ultimate distress, when the situation is utterly unbearable but beyond its capacity and there is nothing left to do but keen.
    It puts one in mind of a banshee. Also it is hardly to be endured; it hits a nerve-racking frequency.
    Miles turned and said, “That confounded cat! We’ve got to get it out of here.”
    Belle said, “Kill it.”
    “Huh? You’re always too drastic, Belle. Why, Dan would raise more Cain about that worthless animal than he would if we had stripped him completely. Here—” He turned and picked up Pete’s travel bag.
    “I’ll kill it!” Belle said savagely. “I’ve wanted to kill that damned cat for months.” She looked around for a weapon and found one, a poker

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