Desert Moon (The Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch Book 1)

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Book: Desert Moon (The Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch Book 1) by Anna Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Lowe
Tags: The Wolves of Twin Moon Ranch: Book One
with his finger parting her folds. All she knew was that this was an experience beyond any she’d had before, the kind she thought could only exist in her dreams. Her mind just managed to link together that train of thought before his glowing eyes met hers, and he lowered his head to her core.
    At the touch of his tongue, her vision exploded into the fiery trails of a hundred comets. Ty lapped at her, first slowly, then with greed, exploring every millimeter of her hidden flesh. She could feel him inhaling her scent, hovering like an intoxicated hummingbird at her entrance, then drinking his fill of her sweet nectar.
    She wanted to hum in return. Hell, to sing, to prance with joy. Somehow, hard and fast had gotten mixed up with wet and wild, and the result was better than her hottest fantasies. Because she wasn’t just wet; she was dripping. Feeling ridiculously delicious. She wound her fingers in his hair, riding a rushing wave as his tongue zeroed in on her bud and explored. Meanwhile, one finger, then another slipped deep into her, eliciting a juicy rush and a moan as her muscles clenched around him. She gyrated under him on the brink of letting go.
    Ty pulled back for long enough to fix her with his glowing gaze. “Okay?” His voice was husky.
    She could barely nod in response. Was there a word for how she felt? Not in any language she knew. Ty’s lips curled into the slightest of smiles. She moaned as he dipped back for more. Words tapped at the boundary of her mind, and she was sure she could read his thoughts. I am going to push you right over the edge, woman.
    Ha , she thought vaguely. I’m already there.
    Then I will catch you in mid-fall, he grunted, and start all over again.
    She lost herself in a searing rush of pleasure, and Ty’s name ground past her lips as his fingers stirred faster. Then he paused abruptly, teasing for one whispering second before rushing back in with a flick of the tongue, pushing her over the edge. She cried out long and loud, clinging to her high even as it slipped slowly back into the night.
    # # #
    The weight of Ty’s head on her stomach anchored Lana in place and time, guiding her gently back to Earth.
    Over here , she heard the warmth of his body calling. Over here.
    Nowhere else I want to be , she called back in her mind.
    The way he’d gone right to the mark made her wonder if they’d been lovers in a past life. How else could Ty know her so well? Or maybe that was just the way of destined mates. Her fingers played along his shoulders as the breeze carried his earthy scent to her. It was interlaced with hers now, thick with desire.
    She sighed in sheer pleasure. Never had letting go felt so good. Never had she felt so sure in her defiance. She looked up at the stars, and they smiled back in reassurance. No, this couldn’t be wrong.
    Ty’s broad mass stirred against her stomach, stoking her desire once more. A shiver went through her, making Ty lift his head with an inquiring gaze. That look—and the promise in it—sent cubes of ice skating down her spine. Ty misinterpreted her reaction and eased the flaps of her shirt down, keeping her warm. He looked like he was about to pull off his T-shirt when he stopped and hopped into the bed of the truck in one smooth move instead. She scooted out of the way as Ty pulled a blanket from a corner and spread it over the truck bed.
    “Just an old horse blanket,” he muttered, shaking his head.
    “I’d be fine lying on a bed of nails,” she murmured, settling back onto it, her hands resting lightly on her lower ribs, the shirt wide open. “As long as you’re with me.” Amazing, she thought, that she could say it without blushing. She’d never uttered those words to a man before. Never would again—not to any man but him.
    Ty leaned down for a kiss that she never wanted to end, then pulled away and stood. He yanked his shirt off in one determined sweep, exposing a rippled expanse of neatly stacked muscle. A thin trail of hair

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