At the Billionaire's Beck and Call?

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Book: At the Billionaire's Beck and Call? by Rachel Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Bailey
chest, waiting, but something in his expression changed. Deepened. As if he was reading her mind. Slowly, his arms unraveled and he reached across to smooth a wisp of hair that had escaped her French twist.
    The breath stalled in her lungs. Her body heated. The feel of his hand finally making contact with her skin again—one simple touch—aroused her more than any other man could achieve with a concerted effort.
    For one uninhibited, perfect moment, she leaned into his palm as it lingered on her cheek. She watched his pupils dilate and his chest expand with his indrawn breath.
    Then she shored up all the willpower in her possession and moved away from his hand. Ryder Bramson wasdangerously attractive. She wasn’t the only one to notice—the tabloids loved to run pictures of him. What she felt wasn’t anything more than what any woman would feel sitting beside him. And her father was counting on that to help him gain a son-in-law and sell his company.
    Ryder must know his own appeal to women, too. And his plan mirrored her father’s—he wanted her to marry him so he could buy Ashley International. He wouldn’t be above using his appeal when the stakes were high.
    Such a simple trap.
    One she couldn’t afford to fall into.
    Heart still racing, Macy looked down at her lap, and smoothed her hands over her taupe linen trousers, ironing out the wrinkles from sitting. From the corner of her eye, she saw Ryder’s hand drop and she fought with herself not to reach for it, to reach for him .
    Without saying a word, he leaned back into his seat, looking out the window, just as the seat belt light went on and the copilot ducked his head out the door.
    â€œWe’re ready for takeoff, Mr. Bramson.”
    â€œThank you, Brent,” Ryder replied.
    Macy needed to get them back onto a professional footing. Needed to be able to talk to her boss without her imagination pulling her in futile directions.
    She cleared her throat and grabbed the first topic that came to mind. “The retail space we’ll be seeing has only recently come onto the market.”
    Ryder searched her face, his gaze resting on her mouth for a moment, then nodded. “Tell me why you think it’s better for our needs than the others on your list.”
    Macy relaxed. She was back on solid ground—business. She could do this. Work side by side with a boss she was attracted to.
    If she could just survive the plane trip without losing her head, she’d make it.
    Ryder checked his watch. They’d be landing soon.
    He’d had a fruitful discussion with Macy about potential policies and directions that Chocolate Diva Australia could take, but there had been something different about her. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, but it was almost like she was on edge.
    Had it just been from when he’d given into sweet temptation and smoothed her hair from her face, or was it more?
    As they prepared to land, the seat belt sign lit up and Ryder buckled himself in. Macy had no need to—she’d been buckled in the whole journey—but she reached for the armrests. Her grip was a little tighter than necessary. Looking across at her, he saw the slightest tension in her jaw, the empty look in her eyes as she stared straight ahead. As if she was anxious but trying to cover it from him.
    â€œNot fond of landings?” he asked.
    She shrugged casually, belying the rigidity of her body. “They’re not my favorite part of the flight.”
    She didn’t elaborate, and knowing Macy she’d never admit a weakness. But her body language drew him in. “Had a bad experience with a landing?”
    Her eyes flicked to his then back to the front. They were starting to slowly descend now and her knuckles whitened on the armrests. “No.”
    He placed his hand over hers and stroked the back with his fingers. Then something clicked in his brain. Her mother had been relatively

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