Body Lock: MMA Sports Romance

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Book: Body Lock: MMA Sports Romance by Grace Hugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grace Hugh
    Lou climbs into the car next to the driver. No one seems inclined to make small talk so I sit in silence lost in my own thoughts. Mostly my thoughts are consumed with Jans. We've only known each other for a few days but already I feel a connection with him. I don't understand it at all since we come from such different worlds. My mom's an alcoholic, drug addict, and a part-time stripper who barely keeps a roof over our head. His dad is a mob boss and he's used to opulent wealth where all I've ever known is poverty. Ever since my dad died, even where my next meal will come from has been in question. Despite the differences in our upbringings, I feel like I understand Jans and he understands me. Just from the few times we've gotten to be together.
    Understand or not, I can’t deny there’s a strong connection. Maybe it's just the fact that we both don't like where we’re at in life. Maybe it's fate or maybe it's something else. Whatever it is, it's real and I know it. I'm excited to see him tonight. I think part of what’s bothering me about this was the not knowing. I wouldn’t know what happened to him. What if he gets hurt? I don't think I could stand it.
    The car rolls to a stop and outside the window I see we’re not in a good neighborhood. Rundown buildings with broken windows and cars that have been stripped down to their frames line the street. All of it looks like it should be on a demolition list. The chauffeur opens the door and Vinnie climbs out, followed by Lou and then me. It was raining earlier so the street is wet and slick and as I step forward, my foot slips. Lou catches me with one arm and firmly places me back on my feet.
    "Be careful," he says.
    "Thanks," I say. "I will."
    "Fucking women," Vinnie mutters under his breath so that I can barely hear him.
    What an asshole .
    Vinnie leads the way into the building. The moment we step through, there’s a crowd. I can't see past all the people but there are bright lights ahead. The crowd parts as Vinnie walks in with Lou leading the way through. I follow in their wake more than a little lost. People cheer, clap and yell. I hear a loud thumping sound and the crowd goes wild.
    A fat, sweaty man with an unlit cigar walks up to Vinnie. He has greasy black hair that’s slicked back tight against his head and beady eyes. He holds his hand out to Vinnie, who takes it and shakes it.
    "How's our boy?" the new guy says.
    "Like a fucking dragon," Vinnie answers.
    "Good," the new man says. "That's real good. I got a lot of money running on that boy."
    "He'll win," Vinnie says confidently.
    The fat man wanders away and Vinnie continues on his path. We come to a stairway guarded by two men, who if it weren’t for Lou would probably look huge. Compared to Lou, they’re less impressive. As soon as they see Vinnie approach, they both step to either side opening the way up the stairs. Vinnie doesn't look at them as he climbs so I follow along unsure what else to do. When Vinnie gets to the top he turns back and looks at me and seems surprised that I'm still here.
    "Lou," Vinnie says. "Take the girl and show her the locker rooms. Check on our boy."
    Lou nods and turns, motioning with one hand for me to go back down the stairs. I step to one side and let Lou take the lead. Nobody in this crowd will mess with him. He leads us quickly through and around and then we’re going down a ramp into an area that smells like sweat and dirty socks. I try to not breathe through my nose because I can't stand the odor. We pass a few doors and then Lou comes to one and stops. He knocks softly on the door and I hear a voice answer but I can't make out the words. Lou pushes the door open and walks in. I follow along still lost.
    Jans is laid out on a table and an older man is rubbing his shoulders and arms with an oil that smells strongly of menthol. Jans has a towel thrown across his middle but the rest of him is exposed and I trace the lines of his muscles with my eyes. I lick my

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