Corin & Angelique (After the Fall of Night)

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Book: Corin & Angelique (After the Fall of Night) by Sherri Claytor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri Claytor
killing the newcomer if he was merely passing through the area, doing only what it was in his nature to do—feed. However, if the nightwalker did plan to linger, Corin would make one thing clear to the immortal, that his community and the people in Hixton were, without negotiation, off limits. But in order to confront the nightwalker, he first had to find him, a task he knew would be a feat in itself.
    Tomes left, eager to get to the real estate office and make inquiries. Corin blew out the light and settled back down in his crypt, hating deceiving Tomes but knowing the man would never accept his reasoning when it came to the newcomer.
    I need to know more.
    Conflicted, he felt a natural sympathy for his own kind, but at the same time, his community was at risk, and that included Angelique. This, alone, made it dire for him to find the newcomer and determine whether he’d be making peace or joining Tomes in combat. He could only hope that with the coming night he’d learn the newcomer’s intentions and finally ascertain which action to take.
    Needing rejuvenation, Corin closed his eyes and returned to his slumber, but his mind continued to reel, even in sleep, pondering the critical matter at hand.
    * * * *
    “We seem to have a real epidemic on our hands, Sheriff. Her name’s Sandy Darnell. She was a real estate agent over at Brookside Realty,” Deputy Rudy informed Sheriff Pierson, who’d just arrived on the scene. “It’s basically the same MO as the first murder—except this killing was carried out in a much more brutal fashion.”
    “Blood drained too. And by the look frozen on her face, I’d say she was terrified,” Pierson remarked on the marred corpse of the woman. “We should rule out a sexual attack.”
    “I agree,” Deputy Rudy replied. “There’s something else here you ought to see, Sheriff.”
    “What is it?”
    “Take a look at these marks.” Rudy knelt and pointed out one of several jagged areas of punctured, ripped flesh.
    “What on earth!”
    “I think they’re animal bites,” Rudy gave his opinion.
    “Wolves?” Pierson speculated.
    “I wouldn’t think so, but if not, what else could it be?”
    “To tell you the truth, I don’t know what to make of any of this. Well, there’s no sense standing around gabbing. We have a job to do. Let’s get this area taped off, and get on the horn with Forensics. We need them out here ASAP — pictures, labs, the works,” he ordered.
    “I’m one step ahead of you. They’re en route.”
    “Good.” Pierson pulled out his notepad and laid a few notes to paper. “We also need to notify the medical examiner.”
    “I’ll take care of it, Sheriff. Do you think we have a serial killer on our hands?”
    “It sure looks that way, two women, both drained of blood. We need to do a real thorough job here. I don’t want to miss anything.”
    “I’ll make everyone aware of that.”
    “When Forensics gets their job done, have them send the body over to Black River Falls Memorial for an autopsy,” he instructed. “And one last thing, Rudy, has her family been contacted?”
    “Not yet.”
    “Well have someone contact them, preferably the husband. She’s wearing a wedding ring, so I presume she’s married.”
    Rudy nodded. “Right away.”
    “I want to get a handle on things before the media shows up.”
    “Understood.” Deputy Rudy went straight to his duties.
    Sh eriff Pierson squatted next to the body, examining the perplexing marks, looking up when a black Dodge Charger arrived on the scene giving rise to a profane word. This was just what he didn’t need, that blasted egotistical marshal getting under his skin like a bad itch.
    Sheriff Pierson hated collaborating with the man. He certainly hadn’t requested any outside assistance and didn’t relish the idea of having some arrogant know-it-all coming into his county implying that they were doing an insufficient job. He appreciated Black’s position—trying to determine if

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