Death on the Riviera

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Book: Death on the Riviera by John Bude Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Bude
retaliated by tweaking the young man’s ear. Tony winced.
    â€œHey! That hurt.”
    â€œServe you right,” bridled Nesta. “You’ve behaved abominably towards me of late. Ever since that Linden minx turned up you’ve ignored me completely. You’re a brute, Tony. He is a brute, isn’t he, Bill? A nasty, thoughtless, self-centred brute!”
    â€œOh, for Pete’s sake—” began Tony irritably.
    But Nesta had already stumped out, slamming the door conclusively behind her.
    Bill said in subdued and level tones:
    â€œI’ve been waiting for this chance, Shenton. You and I are going to have a talk.”
    â€œAre we? That’s news to me, old boy. What about?”
    â€œThis affair of yours with Kitty Linden.”
    Tony, who’d been sprawling with his legs over the end of the settee, scrambled hurriedly to his feet. His pale face flushed blotchily. He shot out:
    â€œWhat the heck’s that got to do with you?”
    â€œQuite a lot. I want to know just what you intend to do about Kitty.”
    â€œOh, you do, do you?” sneered Tony, shakily setting down his half-empty glass of cognac. “Well, let’s get this straight, Dillon. I’m not having you or anybody else poking their noses into my private affairs.”
    He moved a step closer to Bill, thrust out his jaw and menacingly clenched his fists. For an instant, thinking he was about to unleash a punch, Bill altered his stance and tensed himself, ready to defend himself if the fellow ran amok. He realized that if it did come to a show-down the odds were all in his favour. Although there was nothing to choose between them in the matter of height or build, after all his recent exercise in the mountains he was as fit as a fiddle. Shenton, on the other hand, was out of condition, flabby as a wet sponge. Bill said bluntly:
    â€œYou’d better give me a straight answer, Shenton.”
    â€œYou think so?” Tony laughed sarcastically. “I suppose Nesta hasn’t put you up to this by any chance? God knows she’s a green-eyed old witch. But if that’s the set-up you can call it a day. I’m not answerable to Nesta for my—”
    â€œIt’s nothing to do with Mrs. Hedderwick,” cut in Bill shortly.
    â€œThen what the hell…? Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for her yourself? Damn it! You’ve only met her once.”
    Bill said for the second time:
    â€œI want to know what you intend to do about Kitty. I’ve a very good reason for asking.”
    â€œOh,” said Tony lightly, “what reason?”
    â€œ She happens to be my wife! ”
    He stared at Bill in blank astonishment. Then, reaching for his glass, he downed the remainder of his cognac in a single gulp and said with a sardonic chuckle:
    â€œAre you crackers? Do you honestly expect me to swallow that one? Kitty your wife! Think again, old boy.”
    â€œWell, you needn’t believe it if you don’t want to, but it happens to be true. Kitty’s had you on a string about this, Shenton. She guessed you’d get to hell out of her life if you knew she was married. So when you showed up in London about a couple of months back, she kept quiet about it and let you take her around until she’d angled an invitation to come down here. Smart of her, eh?”
    â€œBut what the—?”
    â€œHang on! I haven’t finished yet. Kitty thinks she’s in love with you. O.K.—if she is then there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve asked her to come back to me but she won’t. She’s quite determined about it. I don’t think there’s anything I can say or do that’ll shift her. But before I return home there’s one thing I can do…one thing I’m damn well going to do.”
    â€œReally—what’s that?”
    â€œSee that Kitty gets a square deal.”
    â€œBy me?” sneered Tony.
    â€œBy you!”

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