Save Me

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Book: Save Me by H.M. Waitrovich Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Waitrovich
happy!” What a brave sweet girl, I guess in all of my faults and all of my mistakes I have really done something right with Belle.
                  I heard a knock on my door as I was finishing the dishes in the sink, I peeked out the kitchen window. “Maggie,” I said, she was here checking up on me. I walked over and opened the front door before she could knock a third time. “Hey Mags, it’s good to see you, again!” I smirked, I joke with her but I really love her as if she were my sister. “Grace, I need to talk to you,” She did not look very happy. Great this cannot be good. It never is when someone starts with that. “Sure Maggie, what’s up?” I asked eager. She sat down slowly on the sofa; she looked up at me and sighed. “Well I talked to Oli last night, he sounded…off, so naturally I questioned him until he caved with annoyance. He said that his lawyers had gotten him a fast tracked hearing for Friday morning; it is to post his bail, which is ridiculous. They are asking for a hundred grand for removing that scum from this planet, oops I’m sorry Grace, I didn’t mean it like that,” She said apologetically. I knew what she meant.
                  “Maggie I should be the one who is sorry, your brother is paying for my mistakes, my mess and it kills me to be without him, I didn’t know I could feel so lost, “I said tearing up. She reached for my hand, “Grace he did what he did because he is madly in love with you, he never did anything the normal way, I mean look at what happened with him and Lindsay, he jumps into things wholeheartedly Grace, it is who he is. I did not think he was ready to love you, but he proved me wrong, like he always does. He will fix this, he needs to control most situations, but come to think of it, he has never tried to control anything with you, strange,” She said. What was that supposed to mean? I guess I could tell from the beginning how he insisted on taking me home. He definitely liked being in control but most men do, Max was the worst. Was Oli a control freak? Was he holding back because of what has happened with Max?
                  “Maggie, I love him, I really do, I need him to come home, and I am lost, so incredibly lost. I have never felt that way before about anyone,” Tears were streaming down my cheeks. “Oh Gracie sweetie, its ok he will come home,” She reached for me and pulled me into a hug, it was comforting, Maggie was just a few years older than I was but she reminded me of my mother, she always called me Gracie.
                  “Ok enough of this sappy shit, I need to get home to the boys, oh my gosh I almost forgot, Oli sent me a letter for you. I am not sure why he sent it to my house and not yours but he wrote me one too, he said to make sure this got to you before his hearing,” She handed me the letter and looked nervous, does she know something that I do not, I hope not, I cannot take much more. Once she left I sat down at the kitchen table, Belle was in her room playing quietly still, she was good at that. I placed my hand on the letter, I took a deep breath in and let it out, stop being such a baby Grace open the letter, ok, here goes nothing. I placed my finger under the sealed part of the envelope; I could feel my breathing becoming panicked and heavy, deep breaths Grace. I slid the letter out from the envelope and opened it up; I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

My Dearest Grace,
                  Where do I even begin to start? I know why you said that you cannot visit me more, I understand it, but I also know you, and you like to overanalyze every situation. I wanted you to understand the whole truth about what really happened the night Max came back. All of the digging I had been doing when he was missing was to protect you, I told you that I looked into him and knew about him, what I did not tell you was what I found. I know this is going to

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