The Long Way Home

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Book: The Long Way Home by Daniel Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel Dickson
music as she did only he was more serious about music. They talked about everything and nothing at the same time. If it was possible to say that the held on to each other with a single embrace they did. And if it were true that time could really stand still it did yet it flew to fast for either of their liking.
    Jill didn't want to admit it but she was falling for him, she knew that she would fall in love with him. She just couldn't allow herself to fall in love so easily. When she thought of it she knew that he was the best guy she had ever met. She knew that Grey was better than any of the other guys that she dated. But he was almost too unbelievable to accept she had never had someone honestly just love her and not want to get in her pants. She knew he was different form the others and that this was one of the most significant moments in her life.
    On the way back to Jill's house they decided to get together over the weekend. Grey thought that it would be cool to go to Magic Mountain with Mike and Charlotte. Jill liked that idea and told Grey that she would call her friend and he should call his. He agreed and said that he was going to set it all up for tomorrow.

    They got to Jill's house and Grey walked her up to the door. He went up to her and shook her hand then started to walk away. Jill was disappointed she had wanted him to kiss her again. She had been thinking of it ever since he had kissed her last. She decided to take matters into her own hands. Grey was nearly to his car when he heard her running towards him. She kissed him, and then ran back inside. She shut the door she was breathing hard and her heart was racing. She couldn't believe that she just did that she felt like a complete dork. Grey was startled and laughed out loud as she was running away. He got in the car and went home thinking of her again. And as before wondering how lucky he was. This was somehow the best thing that had ever happened to him.

    Grey once home called Mike and told him about what happened tonight and about the plans to go to Magic Mountain, Mike liked it. Grey got ready and then went to bed happier than he had ever been.

    Jill ran to her room and called Charlotte to tell her everything. She told her about the restaurant and everything he said. Charlotte was so happy for Jill she had never heard Jill act this way before. They talked to the wee hours of the morning. Until Charlotte was falling asleep over the phone, Jill on the other hand could hardly sleep at all. All sorts of things were running through her mind. She could hardly contain herself, and yet she didn't know why. Then it crept up on her, she was falling in love and she knew it. She decided that she would try this whole thing out she knew she would fall for Grey.

Chapter Nineteen

    The next day Grey and Mike pulled up to Jill's house in Mike's SUV the girls were not ready yet so the guys waited inside. Mike showed Grey the sea snail Mike was telling him about. Grey and Mike decided to watch TV while the girls were getting ready only nothing was really on.
    "Dude what do you think of Charlotte?" Mike said he really wanted Grey's approval; only because he respected Grey and what he had.
    "I think that she's perfect for you dude. What did you crazy kids do last night? I didn't give you a chance to tell me last night." Grey said getting up to find something to drink; he got up and headed to the kitchen to see what he could find.
    "Dude we went out to dinner at IHOP. Dude did you know that's her favorite restaurant too. Any way then we went out to see all the Star Wars movies. We saw the trilogy three times in a row that's 18 hours of consecutive movies. And did you know those are some of my favorite movies too. They were showing a triple feature; did you know they re-released all three movies digitally re-mastered?" Mike said following Grey to the kitchen.
    "No dude I didn't know they re-released the Star Wars movies. That's cool it sounds like you guys had fun." Grey said

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