The New Year's Party

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Book: The New Year's Party by R.L. Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
mournful howl escaped Marc’s lips.
    Sandi’s head bounced against the floor as Artie pounded her chest. She didn’t blink. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

    Kids were whispering softly. No one moved.
    â€œCome on, Sandi! Come on! Come on! Come on!” Artie chanted.
    Then with a cry he leaped to his feet. His eyes swept over the startled crowd.
    â€œHey! This was supposed to be a joke!” Artie cried in a shrill, trembling voice. “A joke. Just a joke. But—but—Sandi’s dead! She’s really dead!”

Chapter 16

    P .J. stared down at Sandi, his eyes wide with confusion and horror. “But—I—I didn’t do anything to her!”
    â€œShe’s dead!” Artie shouted, glaring up at P.J. “You—you
    P.J.’s mouth moved as if he wanted to speak, but no words came out.
    Poor P.J., Reenie thought. He has no idea this is all a joke. Should I tell him?
    No, she decided. It’s too late. They will only tease him more if I try to protect him.
    Reenie spotted Greta across the room. Their eyesmet. Greta pressed her lips tightly together and shook her head.
    â€œWe have to call the police!” Marc insisted.
    â€œI … I …” P.J. stammered.
    â€œQuick! I mean it! Somebody call the police,” Marc commanded.
    â€œMust have been one hot kiss!” one of the cheerleaders joked.
    â€œKiller kiss,” Sean muttered.
    Reenie could tell the other kids were trying not to laugh. They knew Sandi was okay. If P.J. glanced down, he would notice her chest rising and falling, too.
    Come on, P.J., Reenie silently urged him. Don’t let them make a fool out of you. Look at Sandi. She’s not dead. She’s about to burst into giggles.
    P.J. uttered a low moan from deep in his throat. His eyes rolled up in his head until only the whites showed. His body started to convulse.
    Oh, no! Is it his heart? Reenie wondered. She rushed toward him.
    Greta let out a scream—high and piercing.
    â€œShut up!” Artie snapped.
    Shaking all over, P.J. crumpled to the floor at Reenie’s feet.
    Sandi sat up, a confused expression on her face. “Hey! You guys went too far. You really scared him!”
    Reenie leaned over P.J. and pressed her ear against his chest. All she could hear was her own pounding heart. It thudded painfully inside her.

    â€œI’m going to bring him some water,” Greta called.
    It’s my fault! All my fault! Reenie thought. I’m the only one who knew he had a heart murmur. I could have stopped this if I tried. How could I have been so dumb?
    â€œYou told me it would be funny!” Sandi cried. “But no one’s laughing!”
    â€œSean!” Reenie yelled. “I think P.J. is—I think P.J. is—”
    Dead. She couldn’t choke out the word—but that is what she thought. She thought P.J. was dead.
    Sean rushed over and crouched next to Reenie. “I can’t hear a heartbeat,” she whispered.
    â€œP.J. only fainted,” Artie said. “I’ll show you.” He knelt down beside P.J. And shook him the way he had shaken Sandi.
    â€œCome on, P.J.,” Artie pleaded. “Don’t be a wimp. You can’t be that scared.” He shook P.J. harder. Shook him until P.J.’s head flopped back and forth on his shoulders.
    Greta returned with a glass of water. She cradled P.J.’s head in one arm and tried to pour the water into his mouth.
    He didn’t swallow. He didn’t choke. The water ran down his chin and cheeks.
    â€œNo!” Greta cried. “No, no, no.”
    Sean grabbed P.J.’s wrist. The crowd grew silent. “I don’t feel a pulse,” he reported.
    â€œDon’t die on me, man,” Artie moaned. “Wake up, P.J. Come on. Snap out of it.
    â€œMarc, call 911,” Reenie ordered. Marc didn’t move. Dazed, he stared down at P.J.
    P.J. lay

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