Billy and the Golden Gate

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Book: Billy and the Golden Gate by Emma Gowing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Gowing
great by the way,” Billy says.
    Billy digs out the watch again and they resume their westward-bound journey. Rufus hangs back, yelling at Rex.
    â€œRex, now come on, that cat will be there on our way back; he’s not going anywhere!” Rex looks at Rufus, then makes a half-hearted growl, for the sound of it, turns and glares up at Grimsby. Grimsby swishes his tail, yawns and smiles.
    Rex follows the four, huffily.
    â€œWill we look at the map, just cause?” Peter asks, adding the ‘just cause’ to pre-empt Daisy.
    Daisy stays quiet, lost in her flourishing thoughts.

Chapter Twelve

    The Quarry

    Billy takes off his backpack and opens it. He pulls out the book and unfolds the map; by the look of it, they are not too far from the quarry. The direction they are headed is still sound.
    Peter pushes at his glasses and studies the detail.
    â€œHave you been to the quarry before?”
    Billy and Rufus both nod.
    â€œIt looks big,” Daisy says.
    â€œYeah, it’s big, full of water too,” Rufus replies. “Rex, you’re gonna have to stick with me.” Rex looks at Rufus and lifts one eyebrow. It’s the oddest expression, for a dog.
    â€œThe wolves are still there,” Peter mutters, glancing around behind them. “All five.” Peter is wearing his helmet; it bobs as he turns his head.
    Daisy looks at Peter and rolls her eyes.
    â€œWell, we are just fine. They are just keeping us company,” she says emphatically.
    â€œWonder what time it is,” Rufus says.
    Billy replies, “Sun is still high.”
    They walk for what feels like ages, but eventually they get to the end of the forest. When they clear the forest, the land fills with scrub grass, framed by a dense hedge.
    â€œHmmm, I think we are going to have to get through that somehow,” Billy says thoughtfully.
    Daisy points at one part, “Looks like there might be a bit of a gap there.”
    When they get to the hedge, they realise Daisy is correct. She looks smug but says nothing, not even ‘I told you so’. They have to crawl in, but the ground is dry and the brambles are high enough not to bother them. They climb up and up. The ground is steep and Peter’s helmet keeps on getting caught in the thorns, resulting in a lot of minor screeching.
    It feels like forever but they get to the top. Rex has picked up a bone; he flops down and starts chewing and chomping at it.
    They are super-high up and can see the whole quarry. It is massive. There are four pools the size of football pitches. The first pool is flanked by hedge and trees, and feeds into the second pool – there, the banks are steep and sheer. The third pool is straight in front of them, long and thin, and the fourth is just towards the right of them, again steep banks. It is darker and looks very deep.
    There are no birds, no bats; in fact, there is no sound whatsoever. The quarry seems empty of life.
    Daisy says, “I don’t much like it here.”
    The three boys are quiet.
    Daisy says, “I don’t like it at all.”
    â€œYeah, know what you mean, Daisy. The water is poisonous, you know – think if you fell in, you’d shrivel up. Like a really old orange before it turns mouldy,” Rufus says. “Birds don’t like it here cause the water turns their beaks lemon and then the worms can see them and then…” Rufus trails off.
    â€œWhat? Like a proper lemon, with pips and all?” Peter says.
    â€œNo! Oh Screech. Like yellow, you know,” Rufus replies seriously.
    Billy looks straight ahead. “We’re going that way,” he says, pointing west. It means going straight through the quarry. “We’re going to have to go round the edge.”
    Suddenly, Gunner Sharpie appears, as if out of nowhere.
    â€œWell now, isn’t this a fine coincidence,” he says.
    â€œHow’d you get here?” Daisy asks.
    â€œA little bit of respect would do

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