Blood War 1: Last Stand of the Legion: Rift

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Book: Blood War 1: Last Stand of the Legion: Rift by Rod Carstens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rod Carstens
allowed to re-enlist. It took all of his contacts plus some outside help but Commandant made an exception and allowed her to re-enlist.
    The only way the Commandant would allow it was for her to go through a rejuvenation, something that was considered almost sacrilegious by the Wolf breed. She did it anyway so she could stay but she had insisted on one concession - she did not want her face to change, she wanted the age lines that came close to showing her real age, older Wolfs were respected by the others of their breed. So doctors compromised and left her face alone as best they could. She had chosen to look around a youthful forty, as it was the best the doctors could do.
    Even with a few crows' feet and laugh lines around her mouth she was a striking woman. With her white hair cut in the Wolf traditional Mohawk and newly colored iris a striking black replacing her clear ones during rejuvenation. She had a sexual appeal that had made her off duty exploits as famous as her on duty adventures. At close to six feet with the hard muscular body of a thirty year old and a lifetime as a warrior she was a formidable physical presence. Dasan was still getting used to those striking dark eyes of hers they were mesmerizing.
    "Well remind me to demote you later today."
    "Yes, sir."
    Dasan sat down and motioned for Axec to do the same.
    "Are we ready old friend?" Dasan said. Using such an informal greeting signaled this was conversation between old comrades and not official.
    "Yes, Dasan I believe we are. I am still worried about the new cooling systems on the rails and mini's but that is part of what the exercise is about - to test equipment. The contractors will have technicians on hand in case there are any serious problems."
    "How are we on the suits?"
    "I just checked with the armorers and they had finished down-checking them all. We had about twenty-five lost to down-check failure but we have plenty of spares. They are warming them up now," Aijuba said.
    "Make sure all of the suits ’ medical systems are combat ready. We are going to have a few casualties no matter how careful we are and I want to be prepared for them. In addition, it will give us an indication of how well the medical systems work."
    "Ahead of you on that one. When the armorers down -checked the suits they loaded the medical systems. So we should be ready."
    "All present and accounted for. Canceling all leave and liberty made sure of that, but I don't think any of them want to miss this anyway. So everyone is on the post and accounted for. The Lieutenants and Sergeants are going over the briefing again today. They are covering tactics. The troopers are chomping at the bit," Aijuba said.
    "I just got a briefing from the Engineers - they are already constructing the strong points at the space port and Fleet Headquarters. They said they should be right on time for the start of the exercise. All the Swift Boats are a go. I have been pleasantly surprised by how adaptable those old boats are. When you take out the torpedo tubes and the side crew compartments we can get close to twelve fully armored Legionnaires in them. They are a godsend."
    "Those old TS 111's sure came in handy. I think they will turn out to be our insertion platforms of choice once all is said and done. What about the O pposition Force?"
    "They have broken their units into Killer Teams based on their fire teams. Each one will have two normal ly equipment troopers, a sniper and a mini rail. So we should be able to test the swarm defense strategy," Dasan said.
    "Yeah, it ’s old, but it's old because it still works."
    "Well my old mate it looks like we are ready."
    When Dasan said mate Axec looked up and gave him a slow smile.
    "Yes my old mate I think we are."
    In the Legion it was difficult to sustain any relationships outside of its demands. It was your life to a large extent. Dasan had tried a number of times but it always ended up the same way with the woman leaving because of his

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