The Great Plains

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Book: The Great Plains by Nicole Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Alexander
claim. Oklahoma City is growing at a tremendous pace. The railroads aren’t travelling through a three-hundred-mile wasteland anymore, Father. Homesteaders have opened up the area to commerce and eventually the government will bow to pressure and take over more reservations. A good portion of the western reservations have literally been unlocked.’
    â€˜I agree with the opening up of that area. I remember telling Clarence Hocking years ago that it was a damn waste giving Indians thousands of acres. Let them have a plot like everyone else and make their living like other god-fearing souls. But to move there, with your family, Edmund? Four years ago a lot of those settlers were starving and living on turnips, most of them are still dwelling in sod houses.’ The printing press operator doffed his cap as Aloysius left the noisy room, Edmund on his heels.
    Hugh Hocking was lingering out in the corridor and kept a polite distance behind father and son as they entered a large oblong room lined with desks. Much like a school room, each table belonged to a reporter who was either scribbling down notes, talking on the telephone or discussing story developments or angles with senior journalists. Edmund turned once, twice to look behind him. Sure enough, Hugh followed discreetly. Edmund wondered how long he’d been standing outside the linotype room. The young man was intelligent with the benefit of an extremely retentive memory, which could be considered a downfall where more sensitive subjects were concerned.
    â€˜Mr Wade, I wonder if I might have a moment, sir?’
    Clarence’s boy was now aged twenty-five and had joined his father in their accountancy practice.
    â€˜Yes, Hugh, if you’re quick.’
    â€˜I won’t keep you long. No doubt you’re off to celebrate Serena’s birthday.’ Hugh’s gaze flicked to Edmund and then back to Aloysius. ‘Well, it’s about Father. I’m worried about him.’
    â€˜Worried, why?’
    â€˜He’s not been well. He’s had some financial difficulties and –’
    â€˜I’m well aware of that, Hugh.’
    â€˜Well I just thought that as it was the buying of your silver shares that led to our current predicament … perhaps you could offer some sort of assistance?’
    â€˜Hocking & Son already occupies an office here, Hugh, at a much reduced rental. As for the silver shares, I should remind you that in good faith I gave your father first offer to buy my brother’s shares after his death. As your father has spent a lifetime advising me in all manner of business, I can’t accept responsibility for a financial decision that went awry. We have all suffered during the downturn. I don’t really know what you expect me to do. Your father still has his business, he is certainly not starving. Many are, you know, lad.’
    Hugh frowned. ‘He is losing clients, sir, and he’s taken to the bottle. I thought that you might have a word with him or perhaps visit some of our clients with a view to allaying their fears. If we lose many more customers we will be at risk of going under.’
    â€˜I have already suggested that he retire. I can interfere no more than that.’
    â€˜No,’ Hugh replied, standing to one side so that they could pass by, ‘of course you can’t.’
    â€˜That was awkward,’ Edmund whispered as they walked along the hallway to the front door.
    â€˜Just one more thing, Mr Wade, sir,’ Hugh called from where he stood.
    Aloysius turned reluctantly. ‘Yes, Hugh?’
    â€˜You don’t own any silver shares anymore, do you?’
    â€˜You keep my books, Hugh, you know I don’t.’
    Once outside, Edmund turned to his father. ‘Have you spoken to Clarence recently?’
    â€˜Last month,’ Aloysius admitted. ‘The man is usually inebriated by noon.’
    â€˜I heard that Hugh’s fiancée cancelled their

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