Terra Dawning
    Inside the file was the second scan that Warmake had asked for, only modified to appear as if it had originated from the Ranger vessel. Neither Warmake nor Jance had any doubt that that file would be taken straight to another team to be scanned for any anomaly that would prompt the Rangers to wish to continue their investigation.
    Warmake also knew that Jance had no intention of leaving this planet empty handed. Indeed, even he no longer knew who the victims were and who the perpetrators were.
    O ffice of the Prime Councilor
    Command Pod Alpha One
    24 Apr. 10266 CE (AD)
    Sector 34871 - Great Inland Sea
    Earth, Sol system
    “T hank you for coming, everyone. Gail, I would like you to prepare to evacuate all the personnel from the former pirate base. If we have the room and can get them here without being detected; bring their ships as well."
    Ben changed to a more formal tone of voice. “At this time, acting in my capacity as Prime Council and with the blessings of the Council of Elders of the Planet Earth, I am formally offering emergency asylum to the group heretofore known as 'The Pirates' via their leader, Captain Elrond Coir, of the Armed Freighter Bittertree, formerly a vassal craft and privateer to the Duchy of Cassius of the Hyclarion Imperial Consortium.
    “Also included are the crew of the aforementioned craft and their families presently accompanying them, as well as the crew and families of the Armed Freighter Nistian Dew of the same aforementioned registry.
    “Captain Elrond Coir, will you accept asylum with us, for yourself as well as on behalf of your people, in your capacity as their acknowledged leader, under the condition that neither you nor any of your people ever intentionally, or with knowledge of forethought, reveal any of the information entrusted to you without the leave of the Ruling Council, or myself as Prime Council?””
    Arivan was standing there with her mouth open in surprise, while the other two looked really confused.
    Elrond stood and replied formally. “I, Captain Elrond Coir, Master of the aforementioned Armed Merchantman, Bittertree, and as the agreed upon leader of the group known as 'The Pirates', which includes the Captain and crew of the aforementioned Armed Merchantman Nistian Dew and all the families and loved ones currently with said group, do hereby accept the offer of Emergency Asylum under the conditions stated by Benjamin Bedouin, acting as Prime to the Council of Elders of the Planet Earth.”
    “It is so witnessed by Jorga Bedouin, Aide to the Prime Council, on this day, the twenty-fourth day of April, of the year ten thousand, two-sixty-six of the common era.” Jorga turned to Arivan and nodded to her.
    'Uh, it, uh it is so witnessed by Arivan Jythee, former citizen of the planet Centris Nine, aide to Captain Elrond Coir, on this day, uh the... twenty-fourth of April, of the year ten thousand, two-sixty-six of the, uh, common era."
    Mother intoned to all present. “The agreement has been officially recorded.”
    Ben nodded and relaxed. “Okay, now that that's out of the way, Gail, I have a special mission for you, but first, the Captain and his friends will need transportation back to their base so they can have a chance to explain everything that’s happened and hopefully get his folks ready to move. He will need one of our subcomms with him so he can call for us when he needs it.
    “I would also like it if he could take someone with him in the event he can't get all of his equipment ready to go. I would like them to analyze it, then scan it for replication at a later time. However, the priority is getting the people to safety. Retrieving their ships and equipment is secondary to this priority; understood?” Ben said.
    “Completely, Prime, I'll get people right on it!” Gail nodded and moved aside to begin issuing orders.
    Ben sighed. “I'm sorry; everyone must be really hungry...”
    “I'm on it,

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