and just as missed.
With the same outcome
of wondering.
Just what was that
all about?
Kristi – I miss your beautiful face,
your smile, and your melting kisses.
I’m sorry – but you have the power to forgive me, and allow
me to be
a human being
with the faults
that I never tried
to hide,.
Are you a breeze?
Light and easily caressing?
Or are you’re a typhoon?
Harsh and punishingly
Even so –
I miss you
just the same.
I waited
in vain,
for a chance
to tell her who
I was.
Timing is everything
and the time just never
was on my side,
because my insides
throbbed, every time
I wished to speak,
but was told about her
past relationships,
desires to do porn
and other things that
just couldn’t add up.
I called her a Princess,
because, she spoke
like one, looked like
one and is one,
just one who had the
wrong knights in her
which led to nights
such as these.
While on the other
side of the world, my
life spiraled in the
whirlpool way that it
always had.
I drowned a little in
her words and her eyes
and her smile and her
kisses. I felt the sun
for a second in her
touch and her promises,
Then I saw the storm in
the inevitable end.
How some trips are
better off not taken.
Where the end is revealed
in a parallel not seen, and
a pain to the chest
of the broken.
I watched her walk away,
in the dark, like a struck
match with fire of her
Spewing lies about my
intentions and after
insulting my whole persona.
I struck back, but I shouldn’t
have. The writer in me with
the sharpen words is always
too eager to hurt and then
the soft words are ignored.
Nothing will fix or save this,
I guess.
Nothing can clean this mess,
of this beautiful woman, who
came and went, like a shadow.
I’m just typing, and realizing,
my loss, but I knew I was in
the wrong basket anyway.
It may sound confusing, because
I am confused, but no one cares
about my thoughts.
I just wish she knew, that I didn’t
start that night off, to end it
that way.
I just wish she knew, how beautiful
she is, and how much I wanted
to reveal the good sides of who I
Anything good is wrapped in tough
protective covering, and that cover
gets dirty, torn, beaten, but it
protects the good, until it is opened.
I can’t type a ladder of words back
to that night, or that moment, or
back to her arms.
My powers are limited only to the
next day, and in clarity to say,
I’m sorry, but sorry is a lonely
Her heart was turned off from me
long ago I feel.
I wanted just to either rediscover,
of end things civil.
I don’t think you will read this.
But, Karma knows … I tried.
The Whites of Her
Eyes …
I’m not going to look, or seek, or search.
The doors to my heart will eventually close.
The energy of my desire will turn –
as will my focus sharpen towards inner goals.
As someone told me –
“Let the bird land upon your finger.”
Others have said –
“Things happen when you least expect.”
I’ve even written about chasing a bubble,
and have told God himself,
He can not condemn me for something
he is not willing to help me with.
I was born with an uncanny birth defect –
That I have no beating heart at all.
Oh, how sad !
And all types of simpatico bullshit you
might say –
But, if you didn’t know me,
you might call me an insensitive monster,
or cursed, or worse.
But, it’s better you don’t know me.
There’s less for you to judge.
And, even less for me to say.
Practically nothing for me to care about,
based upon your reaction.
No opinion which to sway.
I may be missing something,
I disagree.
So many swear they are happy –
But, I challenge that equation based on reality.
It’s a bold, cold statement, this is true,