showmanship went to
            oh yes
                it did
                    it went
                               that redheaded boy
                                  with the long legs:
He nodded at the judge.
He nodded at me.
Oh, that Zora!
She let me halter her
and lead her to the ring
so perfectly obedient
and calm.
She stood there with me
as we waited in line
with eleven other novices
and their heifers or steers.
She let me stroke her neck
with the show stick
and she let me comb
the hair along her back.
When our group was announced
the entrants in front of us
moved forward.
Okay, okay, I can do this.
Just walk , I told myself.
Stand straight.
I was excited.
I loved everything about it:
the ring, the sawdust,
the cows, the handlers,
the men and women and kids
on the bleachers and along the fence.
I was looking for Zep.
I wanted him to see how well I was doing.
I wanted him to see how I held the show stick
and how straight my back was
and how calm I was and
how loosely I could hold the halter.
We were near the entry gate.
Zora looked into the ring
and snorted
and then she
Zora had yanked the halter from my
carelessly loose grip
and took off
kicking and bucking
I chased her as she ran past the stalls
knocking over buckets
and brooms and rakes
People dodged out of her way
            Cow on the loose!
            Cow on the loose!
Beat and Zep and Mr. Birch
joined in the chase
            Cow on the loose!
            Cow on the loose!
Who knew a cow could run so fast?
I turned back once to look at the ring:
the novices and the judge
and my parents and Luke
all stood there
            cow on the loose
and the chaos erupting
around and behind
Zora raced down the chicken aisle
and careened past the rabbit cages,
nearly landing amid a pen of squealing piglets.
People leaped out of the way.
Zep and I finally caught her
and led her back to the stalls
where she snatched a clomp of hay
and chewed defiantly
and slurped water from the hose
as if nothing whatever was wrong.
The novice showmanship competition
We had missed it.
Next up was the breed round.
What do you think? Zep asked me.
Willing to try Zora again for the breed event?
My parents and Luke joined us.
Luke moved up close to Zora
and placed his small hand on her wide neck.
Zora, you be good. You know how.
Mom and Dad looked surprised.
We had no idea you could do all this, Reena.
I had a quick glimpse of me in my room
in our old apartment back in the city
an inside girl
and now here I was
an outside girl
When the Belted Galloway breed was called