look to the intersection where my parents had their accident. God I’ve avoided this part of town for months, three to be exact. What the hell? How did I end up here?
You have to get back to Grace and make sure she’s ok, I think to myself. I turn my back to the intersection; the vision of my parents’ mangled truck flowing through my head. I start walking towards the trailer park. It's weird the streets are absolutely deserted. I mean it's a small town but there are always people out and about. The rain slowly becoming heavier with each step I take. Dam this makes no sense. How the hell did I get here? I see a truck coming from up the road. The first sign of life to be seen. I step out onto the curb hoping I can get them to give me a ride. They are about a block away as I start to wave my arms over my head. Hey, please stop, I want you to stop, I need you to stop, I say to myself. They are about half a block away now and not slowing down at all. You bastards, I think. Wait, something's weird. The truck is exactly like my dad’s. They get closer finally getting a good look at who’s driving my heart stops. It's him; behind the wheel, my dad. “Wait, WAIT!” I scream “NO DON”T GO, SLOW DOWN!” I see my mother and him arguing as they drive by me. Sprinting as fast as I can. “STOP! Please for God’s sake, please don't go through that stop sign.” I run flat out as my dad misses the sign. Instantly blindsided by a garbage truck on the driver side, sending the truck rolling. Not breaking stride I watch as glass and trash fly through the air, “O GOD NO, please no!” It's pouring now, getting heavier, the closer I get to the mangled mess that was my fathers’ truck. Old newspapers and fast food bags swirls around me as I look towards my dad’s truck blood already covering the windshield. I reach them. Grabbing the handle I rip open the driver side door. Blood and glass everywhere but my parents are gone. What where did they go? I shut the door looking to see if they flew out the window or something. Racing around the car I look. They are nowhere to be found. I turn to the garbage truck. “Where did they go!?” I yell, but get no response. I sprint to it, the driver side door already open. Did you see them, my parents?” I ask looking into the truck, but it's empty. Blood on the windshield but no one in it. I stutter step back. Just in time to hear a horn coming from my right side I turn as another garbage truck comes straight at me. No time to act, no time to run or jump out of the way. My entire body tenses as I brace for impact.
Complete darkness. Did, d id I die? Am I dead? I wonder. Is this where we go when we die? Just darkness? I feel this void travel though my veins settling in my stomach. Has all this praying been for nothing? Was it all just a game? To make me feel better? That there is a purpose to life? Wait, a distant light slowly fades into my view. O thank God, I ironically say under my breath. It slowly becomes brighter, bigger, more defined. It's a square light with the softest buzzing com ing from it. Why is it square? I’ve always imagined a circle, like a tunnel, the tunnel of light, right? Well obviously it's a door Will I tell myself. I try to start walking to it but am unable to move my feet as it continues to get closer. Alright God you ca n come to me. Stopping about ten feet from me serenading me with its soft buzzing. “He. Hel... hello?” I ask into it. No response. “Is there anyone there? Please I would really like some support here, dying is already stressful enough.” No response just the ever so soft buzzing coming from it. The light slowly grows brighter. Filling in the space around me. What is going on? Chairs tables and a sign suggesting a meal with fries and a drink appear around me. The entire lobby of my McDanalds slowly comes into view. I'm lying on my back directly in front of the cash register. I try and get my bearings looking to the clock on the wall but it's
Janwillem van de Wetering