off, Citrine."
"I believe that is Master Citrine now, is it not?"
"Have it your way. You had better not fail, Master Citrine."
* * * *
Arriving back at Hamilton's suite, Whiskers jumped to the floor. So, you got your magic back. What are you going to do with it?
Hamilton dropped his coat on the floor and collapsed into a chair in his main room at the inn. “I have no idea."
I'm sure that will impress all those wizards.
"Think so? Listen, magic is mostly for protection and doing, well, good deeds and such. Unfortunately, the number of spells in the Trilogy that can be considered as weapons, actual offensive spells, is very small."
Whiskers climbed into Hamilton's lap and curled up. I don't suppose that I can go with you again tomorrow?
"As a matter of fact, I want you to come. I'll need all the leverage I can muster. I'm going to have to impress them before I can get their full cooperation. There's just one thing I've got to do first."
What's that?
"Trim your damn claws."
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* * * *
A cold hard rain blasting against the suite's windows awakened Hamilton the next morning. He arose from the bed and watched the sheets of water flowing down over the panes obscuring the view. He stood there for a few moments contemplating the day to come.
Not a very auspicious beginning, huh? Whiskers purred from the foot of the bed.
For the day. Not a good beginning.
"Maybe it will get better.” Hamilton glanced at the clock. It was two hours past dawn, but the sky was still dark. He shook his head and then got dressed. As he finished pulling on his boots a discreet knock sounded at the door. He headed out into the main room and admitted Roscoe with another cart of food.
He tipped the boy and Roscoe departed. Hamilton looked at the huge amount of food with less enthusiasm than he had in the past. It all looked good, but his appetite had evaporated. He put the bowl of fish on the floor and Whiskers attacked it. After a few moments, Whiskers looked up from her meal. You're not eating?
"Guess I'm just not that hungry.” Hamilton poured himself a cup of coffee, sat in one of the large chairs, and sipped the dark liquid.
Better eat something. You're going to need all the energy you can get. Right?
"I suppose so.” He took a slice of crusty bread and spread some butter and honey on it. He ate a bite and put the remainder down on the table.
So. What's the plan, Old Man?
"To tell the truth, I don't have one. At least not one that is complete. I'm going to have to impress the wizards if I want their cooperation. That's a given, but as far as how I'm going to kill their dragon...” His voice trailed off into an uncomfortable silence.
Shouldn't be a problem. This won't be the first time that you've had to wing it. How do you expect to impress the Guild?
Hamilton took another bite of the bread. “I guess that I'll use that stuff that Obsidian left. The cloak, his old wand, and the Orb. Although I have my doubts about the Orb."
"Yes. Unless Argus can translate those runes, it's useless. It could take out the dragon, but it's just as likely that it will take out the entire city. Without the key, it's too dangerous to use. Even with the key..."
The cat finished eating and started cleaning her face. Well, at least you have magic to work with now. That should be a big plus.
"It should be, but the Guild's elder wizards must have tried magic. They can't all be as lame as Diamond."
Didn't that girl tell you that all the elder Guild wizards died?
"That's what she said, but if Argus is two hundred and ... well, over two hundred, there must be some talent left in their pool.” Hamilton took a final bite and then dropped the piece of bread back on the table. He got up and moved to the window. The black sky had given way to dark gray, but the rain still lashed the glass unabated in its fury.
Hamilton's slow descent into depression was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Perhaps