Sweet on You (The Bridesmaids Club Book 4)
to blow-dry her hair.
    “Slick move, O’Donaghue,” Tess said.
    “I’ve had years of experience,” Molly said with a grin. She looked more closely at Tess. “Are you all right?”
    Tess nodded. “I was just thinking about getting married. It’s a big step.”
    The conversations around the salon fell into silence. “That it is,” Molly said carefully. “But when you find the right person, it can be the best step of your life.”
    Tess nodded. “You’re right. I know Logan is the man for me. It’s just that sometimes I think about today and I get so nervous. I wonder if we’re doing the right thing.”
    “I’m glad you didn’t elope,” Annie said with a smile from under a hairdryer. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t have had anywhere to wear our bridesmaids’ dresses.”
    “And I’m glad you’re getting married,” Sally added. “You love each other. It’s a wonderful celebration of your new life together.”
    Tess blew her nose and dabbed her eyes. “Thank you.”
    Sally hugged Tess and handed her more tissues. “You might need to give me some positive reinforcement when I get married.”
    “I’m being silly,” Tess said with a watery smile.
    Molly shook her head. “There’s nothing silly about looking after your heart.”
    Loretta walked behind Molly, fanning her flushed face. “I’m getting hot and bothered with all of the emotions swirling around the salon. I’ll make you a nice hot cup of coffee to wash away your pre-wedding blues, Tess.”
    A truck stopped in front of Loretta’s salon. The UPS driver got out of the cab and opened the back doors. Stacey jumped off her seat and pointed at the window. “Look at the flowers.” Her hand pointed at the window.
    Everyone stopped and stared at the bouquets of flowers in the driver’s hands.
    Tess frowned. “Who do you think they’re for? We didn’t ask for the flowers to be brought here.”
    The driver headed across the sidewalk to The Beauty Box’s front door. Loretta let him in. “Thank you, ma’am. Is there a Tess Williams here?”
    Tess stepped forward. “That’s me.”
    “Logan Allen said to deliver these to you at the salon.” He handed Tess the bouquets and took an iPhone out of his pocket. “Would you sign here?”
    Tess put the flowers on the table and scribbled her signature on the electronic screen.
    “I’ll be back in a minute, ma’am.”
    “Are there more?” Sally asked.
    The driver smiled. “You could say that.”
    He walked outside and Tess took the card out of the first bouquet. She read the words, then wiped more tears from her eyes.
    “Read it out loud,” Loretta said. “I don’t know if I can stand the suspense.”
    Tess smiled. “It’s a lovely message. It’s from Holly, one of the brides we helped in The Bridesmaids Club. The message says, I hope your marriage is as happy as ours. Lots of love, Holly. ” Tess passed the card to Sally.
    “How sweet,” Sally said as Tess read the card in the second bouquet.
    “These flowers are from Connie,” Tess said. “They’re both brides we’ve helped in The Bridesmaids Club.”
    “Goodness,” Loretta sighed. “Look at all those flowers.”
    Eight heads swiveled toward the sidewalk. The UPS man had another four bouquets in his hands.
    Stacey jumped up and down. “They’re so pretty.”
    Rachel opened the door for the delivery man. “It looks like a lot of the brides are sending their love and good wishes your way.”
    “How did they know I was getting married today?” Tess asked. “We didn’t tell anyone except our wedding guests.”
    Rachel sent Tess an apologetic smile. “That could have been me. I emailed all of the brides we’ve helped, thanking them for being part of The Bridesmaids Club. I told them you were getting married today.”
    “I think we’re going to run out of room,” Kate said as the UPS man went back to his truck for more flowers.
    Loretta stuck her hands on her hips and looked at the bouquets. “We need somewhere cool to

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