To Curse the Darkness
Greed is as powerful a motive as hatred. In Christian’s case, I am content he was merely ignorant.”
    â€œBut he isn’t sick, right? I mean, he’s not going to die?”
    â€œNot from the disease he carries.”
    Julie pursed her lips. She wasn’t entirely happy with that answer either, but that was another subject they could revisit later. “But Georgia’s case is different. She’s actually sick.”
    Conrad sighed. “Yes. She appears to be in the last stages of the disease. Usually, the first symptoms manifest within days of infection, a few weeks at most. It typically runs its course within a matter of months. There are those who survived for several years, but they were the exceptions. The fact that she was so strong when she was infected—and that she was able to continue to feed from Christian all these years without killing him—is likely what helped to prolong her life.”
    â€œBut why would feeding from him have helped her—wouldn’t it make her more sick?”
    â€œNot necessarily. Vampire blood has certain…medicinal properties, if you will. In most cases that wouldn’t have helped her, at least not for long. Whomever she fed from would get sick and die—after going on to infect who knows how many others. The fact that Christian could not get sick—coupled with the fact that she’d sired him in the first place, so that it was her own blood in his veins, so to speak—was likely the reason she’s been able to maintain the façade of good health for as long as she has. Now, however, her body is breaking down faster than it can repair itself. I blame myself for that.”
    â€œYou? How’s that?”
    â€œA nest of vampires is an unusual conglomerate. The strength of the whole is often greater than its parts. And the stronger a nest becomes, the stronger each individual member will be.”
    â€œAnd ours is very strong, isn’t it?” Julie asked.
    Conrad nodded. “Yes. It is. And that, no doubt, has also helped Georgia maintain her health all these years.”
    â€œSo wait. I don’t understand. Are you saying you blame yourself for keeping her strong all this time? That makes no sense.”
    â€œNo, it doesn’t. For that’s not what I’m saying. The strength within a nest is shared among its members, but it is not shared equally. As sire, I benefit the most. I am, in a very real sense, the locus for most of the nest’s power. Last year…”
    As Conrad broke off, Julie was shocked to see the glimmer of tears in his eyes. “Go on,” she urged.
    â€œLast year, as you know, I very foolishly allowed myself to be taken captive. I do not mean to belittle your efforts, or your brother’s, or Damian’s. You all worked so tirelessly and risked so much to save me. But I would have died long before you found me were it not for the power I was able to draw from the nest itself.”
    â€œAnd that was what Georgia had been using to stay healthy.”
    â€œYes. A strong sire is imperative if a nest is to survive. Prompted by my weakness—and, remember, it took months before I was fully recovered—a large part of the strength and the healing energy that had previously circulated freely amongst us began to flow to me. Deprived of that strength, Georgia began to feel the full effects of her illness.”
    Julie nodded. “I’d like to see her, if that’s all right with you. Tomorrow, if possible. I want to talk to her about all of this.”
    Conrad’s jaw clenched. “I really don’t see any point in that. I appreciate your wish to help her, but, as I’ve already told you, I cannot allow you to risk your life on a hopeless gamble. What’s more, I will not allow it. Do not ask me again.”
    â€œI just want to talk to her. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?” She let her mind press against his

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