In Love by Christmas: A Paranormal Romance

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Authors: Sandy Nathan
that, most likely for doing shitty things to peasants living in the mud.
    “If you don’t get the stuff Will has lined up for you right, they’ll keep you out of their world forever. And wreck your value to Will. They’ll do it so slick, you won’t know what happened.
    “I know this, because they tried it with me. I was raised in Beverly Hills and my dad’s a CEO. I can play their games. But you’re a nice guy. They’ll cut you to ribbons. That’s why I need to stay here.”
    Leroy stared at Doug, speechless. “Where do you think I’ve been, Doug?” he finally choked out. “You think the neighbors love my dad and me because we’re so nice? No. I heal every person and animal that can get to me for free. The neighbors love that. My dad’s a famous rodeo clown. A celebrity. Neighbors like that too. But not all of them.
    “Back when my long-ago grandpa got the place, they wanted to shoot us Watches back to Africa. We didn’t get run off or killed because my daddy’s people had always had a mojo going. Juju. I got an African juju and Native juju.
    “You’re so afraid for me that you won’t go home to take care of Janice? That’s crazy, man.” Leroy shook his head. But Doug kept scratching at his head like Leroy was in terrible danger and couldn’t see it.
    “The Rez was worse. I lived there from when I was six ‘til I was twenty. Do you think the reservation was nice?
    “if we stepped one foot off the Rez, nobody liked us. Everyone wanted to humiliate us and ruin our chances. Especially me , because I was Grandfather’s grandson and had African blood.
    “You’re afraid I can’t handle people hatin’ me because of my skin?” Leroy shook his head in amazement.
    “Yes.” Doug’s eyes misted again.
    Leroy didn’t laugh. It was more of a convulsive chuckle. Doug’s feelings were nice, and unusual, but only a white man would think he was such a flimsy piece of business. He was sweet and kind because of Grandfather and the Great One and his own Self, not because people hadn’t noticed the color of his skin.
    “You’ve never been where you’re going now.” Doug glared at him. “I know you think I’m stupid, but you don’t know what you’re in for.” Leroy could almost hear a growl under Doug’s breath. “We’re up early tomorrow for breakfast instruction, by the way.”
    “Breakfast instruction?”
    “Yes, sir. Breakfast and tableware. Do you know how many pieces of flatware there are in a formal place setting?”
    “Nine on a skimpy service. With three crystal goblets and three plates. And a bowl. How many courses does a formal dinner have?”
    “Why are you asking me this?”
    “Because Leroy, you may end up dining with heads of state. You need to know that a formal dinner has eight courses, with a ninth optional.”
    “That’s what I’m going to be doing here?”
    “Some of it. Will has a lesson in table settings set up for you tomorrow morning, then for a little quiz on what you learned, a formal lunch with Peter Alexander Payton Faxmore, Lord of Ballentyne at his club. Then we play golf with him and a few pals.”
    “I’ve never played golf.”
    “I’ve played it all my life. I hope you’re a fast learner. They’re good here.” Doug leaned toward him. “This is serious, Leroy. Your future hangs on mastering shit so stupid that if anyone ever told you that it mattered, you’d think they were joking.
    “If you mess up with this shit, they’ll fry your ass. Except you’ll never know what you did. You’ll break some rule and you’ll never get invited anywhere in polite society again.
    “That’s why I need to stay with you. To cover your ass when you screw up. And you will screw up.”
    Doug’s blue eyes bored into Leroy’s like he was looking for the Titanic. “Anything else you want do before we turn in?”
    “Yeah,” Leroy said, as serious as Doug. “They’re supposed to retire Jackie Robinson’s number at the Mets/Dodgers game tonight.

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