There was, however, some beneficial exchange of ideas along with the backslapping.
“A fine article it was, sugar. But,” he went on, “one thing that rankled was our homicide rate. Now, I know some of the people who met their Maker before their time weren’t residents of this fine town or county. That brings up how we count heads. We’ve got just under four thousand folks within what we unofficially call the city limits and almost as many in the county. You know Alpine has never been incorporated.” He paused, apparently waiting for me to say something.
“The commissioners rule,” I said, unsure of what I should say.
The mayor nodded. “I won’t criticize those men who’ve given us long years of service, but Alf Cobb is dead, and Engebretsen and Hollenberg are even older than I am.” He uttered a self-deprecating chuckle. “Maybe we should rethink our government. This isn’t forpublication, but Irene feels it’s time for me to take it easy, travel some, go back to the bayou and put our feet in that fertile black Delta soil. Isn’t your brother there now?”
“Yes, in Mississippi.”
“Then he’d understand. We don’t need a mayor and three commissioners. We’re strapped for funds. What this county and town need is a professional
. We’d save salaries and election costs.”
I was stunned at Fuzzy’s perspicacity. It was possibly the best idea the mayor had ever had. “It makes sense,” I said. “It should’ve been done years ago, back when the timber industry tanked in the eighties.”
Fuzzy shrugged. “Change isn’t easy here. Out of the mainstream.” He narrowed his eyes slightly. “That’s where you come in. You have great power here. You should exert it more often.” He smiled, and I caught a hint of his former sparkle. “You also have a personal stake in this. Think what it would do for your much-respected future mate.”
“Does Milo know about this?”
Fuzzy shook his head. “Nobody knows except you and Irene. If you need facts and figures about places where this has been done, I can get them to you. Bainbridge Island is one example, though they incorporated only the island itself, but it’s a mighty big chunk of property.”
“Can I tell Milo about it?”
The mayor scratched at his temple. “I’d rather meet with him and the commissioners first. I wanted to secure your support now. You’re as smart as you are comely, darlin’, and I value your powers of persuasion.”
“You overestimate my influence,” I said frankly. “When was the last time I used my so-called clout to get a levy or a bond issue passed?”
“This is different. We’re talking saving money, not spending it.”
“But it’s still a huge change. Our residents balk at change.”
“That,” Fuzzy said, standing up, though not as easily as he once did, “is why I’m counting on you to change their minds before we change our government.”
Naturally, Vida wanted to know why Fuzzy and I had held a private meeting. For once I kept my counsel. She was annoyed, but I tried to soothe her by telling her to write up the engagement announcement. The vetoed photo, however, set her off again. “What’s wrong with you two? You’re both rather nice-looking. Milo’s aged well. He looks better now than when he was young. You’ve held up nicely, too.”
“Thanks, Vida, but I think most people know what we look like. As I recall, when you thought Milo and I were acting like lovesick teenagers in public, you were quick to point out that we had very high profiles.”
“All the more reason for readers to want to see what you look like when you’re not groping each other in the middle of Front Street.”
“We never—” Mercifully, her phone rang. I fled to the front office to see if Amanda had made out the mid-month paychecks.
She had just finished. “Did I gather,” she said, looking somewhat embarrassed, “that Wayne Eriks tried to come on to you, too?”
I sighed. “Yes, about a