The Merchant of Venice

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Book: The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Shakespeare
“her lord, her governor, her king” and master of her estate and fortune. To seal this, she gives him a ring, which he must never “part from, lose or give away” as this would signal the “ruin” of his love for her. He promises to wear it until he dies, another “bond” which must be upheld. Nerissa and Gratiano congratulate the couple and Gratiano reveals that he is in love with Nerissa, before asking permission to marry her. Bassanio and Portia agree. As they joke happily together, Lorenzo arrives, accompanied by Salerio and Jessica.
    Lines 223–333: Bassanio and Portia welcome their visitors, and Salerio gives Bassanio a letter from Antonio. Gratiano says that Antonio will be pleased by the news of the betrothals, but Portia is watching Bassanio and comments that the letter “steals the color from Bassanio’s cheek.” Bassanio reveals the truth about the loan, and Antonio’s bond, before questioning Salerio about the loss of Antonio’s fortunes. Salerio tells him that even if Antonio could now find the money, Shylock is determined to have “forfeiture … justice and his bond.” Jessica confirms that her father has often sworn that he would “rather have Antonio’s flesh / Than twenty times the value of the sum.” Bassanio describes Antonio to Portia as “the dearest friend” and “the kindest man.” She says that Bassanio must pay as much as it takes to release Antonio, and offers him gold to “pay the petty debt twenty times over.” She decides that they shall be married quickly, then Bassanio shall go back to Venice with Gratiano, while she and Nerissa “live as maids and widows” until their return. Bassanio reads Antonio’s letter, which urges him to come and see him, as it is unlikely that he will live after paying the forfeit. Portia urges him to “be gone!” and Bassanio promises to return as soon as he can.
    Antonio is in jail. Shylock will not listen to requests for “mercy,” and his bitterness seems to have driven him to the edges of sanity as he constantly repeats that he will “have [his] bond.” He leaves, and Antonio resolves that he will stop begging, recognizing that Shylockwants him to die for the times he has helped people who owed him “forfeitures,” although he does not acknowledge that the persecution of Shylock for his faith may have contributed to his desire for revenge. He knows that the duke cannot prevent Shylock from exacting the bond, because to do so would be to “impeach the justice of the state.” Antonio sends Solanio away, hoping that Bassanio will come to see him “pay his debt.”
    Lorenzo tells Portia that if she knew Antonio, she would be even “prouder” of her role in trying to save him. She replies that she sees saving Antonio as the same as saving Bassanio, and announces her intention to withdraw to a monastery with Nerissa, to live “in prayer and contemplation” while Bassanio is away. She asks Lorenzo and Jessica to take the place of Bassanio and herself until this time. Portia then hands Balthasar a letter to take to her cousin, Doctor Bellario in Padua, and instructs him to bring back “what notes and garments” the doctor gives him. Finally, alone with Nerissa, Portia reveals her plan for them to go to Venice, disguised as men.
    Lancelet tells Jessica that he fears for her soul because “the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children,” but she argues that she has been “saved” by marriage to Lorenzo, who has made her a Christian. As they argue, Lorenzo arrives and Jessica repeats what Lancelet has said. Lorenzo, however, reports that Lancelet has got a Moorish servant pregnant. Lancelet merely responds with jokes until Lorenzo, annoyed, sends him to serve dinner. Lorenzo asks Jessica how she likes Portia, and she replies that the “world / Hath not her fellow.” They go to dinner.
    Lines 1–166: In the courtroom, the duke sympathizes with Antonio,

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