Hinterlands Book II: The Stables

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Book: Hinterlands Book II: The Stables by Isha Dehaven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isha Dehaven
fight, cooling to a simmer. He seemed defeated now as the wagon
pulled away from the main house.
    They traveled through the night down the winding road,
the relative silence only broken by the occasional cough, and Mr. Stephen
complaining of his sore back. Before long they approached the large stables Amelia
had glimpsed some days ago.   Somehow
the structure appeared much more ominous at this hour.   The wagon ground to a halt and Mr.
Stephen climbed down slowly. He was obviously quite sore from his run-in with
the young man.
    “Alright!   Everyone out!   Step lively,
now.   Ms. Jenkins, Ms. Elander!   No shoving.”    Six young men now came sauntering
out of the lighted entrance to the Stables. They looked to be farm hands,
accustomed to working with animals and bales of hay, and their rough and ready
appearance didn’t help any of those present feel more comfortable. Amelia could
smell the scent of horses and hay on the air, strong enough to overpower the
perfume of the lush green grasses and wild lands that surrounded them on all
    After they had all exited the wagon, (the young man was
carried by his shoulders and forced to his feet) they stood nervously and
expectant, no idea what came next.   Glancing to her left she could see the tall red haired girl, Ms.
Jenkins, with tears streaming down her face.   A few other girls stood around, doing
their best not to draw attention to themselves.   The four house-boys who had accompanied
them in the wagon stood stoically together, holding their small bags of
    “Each and every one of you has been selected by the Duchessa
de Montaigne herself , to be trained
and prepared for her personal service.” Mr. Stephen shouted trying to sound as authoritative as
possible.   “This means your future
here at Hinterlands, is entirely dependent on your full participation in this
training. Failure to adhere to the training regimen will result in your immediate
dismissal from the estate, and loss of your situation.   Is that understood?”   There was a general murmuring from the
group as each of them contemplated the prospect of losing their situation.   This was simply not an option.   Banishment from the estate meant certain
poverty and possible starvation for most of them.   They were the working poor, trained for
service, and without a recommendation from one’s previous employer, they would
be untouchable to any new potential situation.   Mr. Stephen cleared his throat and
continued his speech.
    “Your clothes will be removed.   There are no clothes permitted here
while you are in training.”   This
was met with shocked gasps from them all.   Before they knew what was happening, the six attendants began stripping
them of their clothing, forcefully.   A particularly large farmhand, built like the side of a barn, approached
her from behind.   He grasped her
nightgown by both shoulders and with virtually no effort whatsoever he tore the
thin fabric from her body, laying her naked in the cool night air. Terrified,
she immediately dropped her bag and covered herself the best she could with her
    “Hands at your sides!!   Hands at your sides!!” Mr. Stephen
yelled his voice cracking.
    Reluctantly and dutifully, they did as they were told,
placing their hands at their sides and standing before eachother naked.   Amelia could feel her pink nipples
hardening in the chilly night air.   They all stole glances at each other’s nudity, young breast, thighs, and
penis’s exposed in a manner none of them had ever experienced.   The tall red-haired girl stood across
from Amelia, and she could feel the girl’s eye’s trailing from her small
breasts, down to her sex, and on to her legs as they tapered toward her tiny
feet.   The small oriental girl stood
next to an amazingly voluptuous dark haired girl from the kitchens, their
bodies in stark contrast to eachother.   She shivered and tried not to gaze longingly at the wild boy’s body.

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