Forbidden in February
any lower, but he vowed to himself that she would be doing so soon.
    “I’m not sure what to do,” she said.
    He smiled and raised her hands to his mouth. “I think I can help you with that.”
    He brought his mouth to hers again and kissed her softly, lowering her onto the bed again and shifting his body to the side so he wouldn’t crush her. He pulled back slightly to look down at her again. He hesitated a moment, almost asking for permission to touch her. Something about Isabel made him feel that he had to be cautious, to take extra care with her.
    Her brow furled. “I don’t think we can proceed if you’re wearing your trousers.”
    He almost laughed aloud. “I was trying not to frighten you, but I see that I needn’t have worried.”
    This time when he kissed her, he allowed himself to touch her breasts. She made a small sound at the back of her throat that told him she liked what he was doing. Slowly, so as not to frighten her, he brought one hand down to her hip, then her thigh. When he moved to touch the inside of her thigh, stroking the skin above her stockings, she stiffened a little but didn’t stop him. Instead, she shifted her legs wider, allowing him greater access to that part of her no man had ever touched.
    He almost groaned when he found she was already wet with desire. Desire for him. Somehow he held back, vowing to bring her pleasure first. He stroked her gently, the slight shifting of her hips as she sought more of his touch telling him that she enjoyed what he was doing. He used his thumb to caress her where her pleasure centered and inserted one finger inside her. He groaned when he felt her tightness, imagining how she would feel wrapped around his cock.
    Isabel pulled her mouth away from his and her breath shuddered. “Robert,” she said on a soft moan. “I never imagined this would feel so good.”
    He didn’t reply… he couldn’t. He could only watch her as her breathing became louder. She closed her eyes, and he ordered her to open them again so he could watch her in the throes of passion. When she obeyed, her eyes had darkened and were almost black.
    She moaned his name again, the sound drawn out as she peaked, and damn if she didn’t almost take him with her.
    He stood then and removed his trousers before returning to the bed and settling over her.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve your trust, but I hope I never lose it.”
    Her brows drew together as she tried to understand the meaning behind his words, but he couldn’t stop now.
    “I’m afraid this might hurt,” he said, looking for signs of fear in her eyes. There were none.
    “I want this more than I could ever have thought possible.” Her voice was ragged, her breathing uneven, but he could see the truth of her words in her eyes.
    He moved slowly then, entering her with more patience than he’d thought himself capable. When she flinched at his intrusion, he stopped. They lay like that far longer than he would have liked, him frozen on top of her, the head of his cock the only part of him inside her.
    “Isabel,” he said finally, his voice hoarse from his struggle to restrain himself. “I need to move.”
    She replied by shifting her hips upwards, and with a groan he buried himself the rest of the way inside her warm wet, heat.
    He’d planned to give her time to adjust to the size of him, but when he looked down and saw that her desire had rekindled, he was powerless. He moved slowly at first, stopping when she cried out.
    “Don’t stop,” she said, lowering her hands to cup his backside.
    He couldn’t have stopped if he wanted to. He stroked into her faster then, knowing that since this was Isabel’s first time he should be showing more restraint but unable to hold back. When she spasmed around him unexpectedly, he felt his own release mere moments away. He had to pull out of her, but instead, finding himself needing this woman more than he

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