Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series)

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Book: Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole) (Torn Series) by Pamela Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Ann
her to know how affected I was by her.
    Instead of letting her on my emotions, I followed with my physical one. “I don’t think it’s wise to sleep next to you. I don’t trust myself not to touch you with what little you have on.”
    I stared at her painted toenails before my eyes heatedly traced her shapely calves, her thighs and her body over my shirt that jutted out at her pebbled nipples before I finally reached her beautiful face. Did she have to look so darn adorably hot with my shirt on?
    When she held out her hand, I took it and got to my feet. We stared awhile before my arms decided to hold her close and we fell on the bed together.
    She let out a yelp when we landed sideways. Her neck was right next to my nose, so her scent engulfed me to the core. Like a moth to a flame, my nose sought her neck, nuzzling it before she got too ticklish and started squirming and laughing like a kid.
    It was supposed to be harmless, however my needs overcame me, and before I knew it, my hands had skimmed her body heading downwards. Once it reached its destination, my hands roughly cupped her luscious ass and squeezed it. She let out a strangled moan when my teeth softly bit into her earlobe.
    It was as if the dam broke and I was ready to conquer her. My hands were fevered and searching for what they could hold as I tried to situate my body over her, hands drawing inside her thighs, ready to open her to me.
    The thought of sliding into her got me twisted. So when she stopped me, I was ready to bang my head against the wall.
    “Bass… no…”
    Shit, I had to stop. Withdrawing my hands, I panted wildly, praying for something to kill me because I was beyond losing it.
    When Emma rolled atop me and patted my arm, I knew I was done for. “Let’s go to sleep. Playtime’s over.”
    For you maybe , I wanted to jab in, but held off.
    You’re not her man, so shut the fuck up.

Setting You Free
    “I’m going to get us some water. I’ll be back.” I needed any excuse to get away from her immediately. So if the excuse had come out lame, I wasn’t about to complain.
    Once I was in the kitchen, I leaned against the fridge and inhaled deeply. “Get your shit together, man,” I softly muttered to myself.
    Tomorrow was another day. I was confident that I was going to be over this— her . It was probably because I never had a fair chance to win her over, which was why I was so affected by her.
    This was all about sex… male ego and domination. It was normal for a man, any man, to want something they couldn’t have. So my reaction to her was fair and square.
    It wasn’t anything crazy… like being in love with her. This was normal , so I shouldn’t worry much.
    I double checked the house and then saw Emma’s things on top of my car. I strode towards it and took hold of her shoes and clutch purse, placing them in the foyer.
    In a much brighter mood, I took a glass of iced water upstairs. The second I saw her sleepy face, my heart dropped to my stomach.
    Damn , I could do this.
    “Thanks.” Emma reached out and downed half the glass before she handed it back and I placed it on my bedside table. Without taking off my clothes, I laid next to her, pulling her warm body against my chest.
    I’ve got it bad—so bad—and I just have to man up about it .
    I huffed out a depressing sigh before I started to stroke her hair. In quiet silence, we each dwelled on our own thoughts.
    After ten minutes or so, I shifted to lie on my side, facing against her body. Gathering her in my arms, I pulled her close to me again. Emma softly clung onto me before her lips kissed my neck. Closing my eyes, I memorized the way she felt against me; I wanted to remember the feel of her heart beating against mine.
    Emma trailed her nose against the crook of my neck before leaving another kiss on my skin.
    No words were spoken, but we knew what was going on.
    It was goodbye.
    It was agonizing to be holding a woman who wasn’t mine, and yet, she felt like

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